30 SEPTEMBER 1922, Page 3

Sir Charles Santley, the famous baritone, died on September 22nd,

at the age of 88. The honour that was his in the fullness of time was very justly awarded, for he was more than a pre-eminent singer in a period of wonderful voices. His art was a standard for enunciation and the interpretation of music. But that was not his whole work or service. Though he sang in opera, he never succumbed to the " star " system usually prevailing on the operatio and concert stage. He devoted the greater part of his energies to the advancement of the type of music which appealed most strongly to his country- men. He is always associated with great musio festivals and the oratorios of Handel. To the performance of such works he brought a sincerity and conviction which he trans- mitted in all fervour to his hearers. He gave them a sense of active participation in a noble work. Ile always put art above the artist. His complete simplicity testified to his absorption in his work. This devotion was recognized in the respect accorded him by the publio.