31 AUGUST 1833, Page 1

The formal recognition of Donna MARIA as Queen of flortugal,

by our Government, took place on the lath initant,;_srafifisossiflL WI LI.IABI Russans delivered to Don PEDRO hisesetleatian-fors.„.7,---s, that purpose. The greatest joy was manifested - Lisbon on the announcement of this event. Ac Infailisreners_ in the -quarrel is not contemplated by our Pipits>. itake4 whether be might depend, upon Rri

use of an attack upoli Lisbon, he was. distinctiLassuredeby Lord WILLIAM RUSSELL, that unless anysother Foreign power !should interfere in behalf of Don MIGUEL, no active assistanceavould be t tendered to the Queens.. The. moral efRtet *of the-recognitions hews- aver, must be of great avail towards the complete defeat of the Vsurper. Affairs in Lisbon have accordingly assumed a brighter aspect. A loan of 160.0001., beating five per cent. interest, has been nego- tiated by the Government at par. The defences against a siege sproceed with vigour, and a good spirit is said to pervade the inha- bftnts and the troops. Don PEDRO has had sufficient sagacity tOssue a decree summoning the Cortes of the kingdom to an early meeting, in order to settle the important question of the likgency, and the marriage of the Queen. Of course he fully relies, and it is to be feared with reason, upon being himself elected Regent. Yet he may have miscalculated in this matter. Mean- while, he has formed a Ministry of his own creatures, to the ex- clusion of the Duke of PALMELL A.; which is a bad s)mptom.

The news from- Oporto is likewise favourable to the Queen. An *Stack was made on the 18th upon the Mignelite lines, which was completely successful. The enemy were pursued by a detachment under. Colonel BACON, who captured between three and four Lundred prisoners. Previous to their flight, they stove in a vast quantity of wine-casks at Villa Nova; which was so inundated With wine, that the atmosphere was like that of a spirit-warehouse. The remainder of the besieging army of Oporto being thus dis- comfited, has, it is supposed, formed a junction with Marshal 13'0URSIONT at Santarem. The accounts of the Marshal's prospects axe as contradictory as ever. On the one hand it is affirmed, that las army is constantly thinned by desertion ; while the Miguelites, en -the contrary, declare that it is in a high state of spirits and discipline, and will shortly march upon Lisbon with a certainty of eapturing it. No intelligence has been received respecting Mt- renzn's movements, which can be at all relied on.

Donna MARIA, in company with her mother, the Dutchess of B)LAGANZA, and the Marquis DE LOULE, left Paris on Tuesday week, for Havre; whence she was soon to sail for Lisbon.