31 AUGUST 1839, Page 5

On Monday, the cause of Rutter verses Chapmen. involving the

questioa of the validity of the Manchester chat-ter, was triet1 before Baron Manle. at Liverpool, Chapman, the defendant, is Cormier of sloe municipal borough of Manchester; and the few:e'en directly before the Court was, whether he is entitled to exercise tile fituetioes of Coroner. The Attorney-General was leading ceunsel for the (lac:id:nit, and Mr. Cress... well for the plaietiff. The Judge directed e verdict for the defendant, on the ground that the Privy Council eeeb/ grant the charter on the petition which bad been presented from Manchester ; but allowed Mr- Creswell to tender a bill of exceptiumt, on which the case will be argued in the Court above.

The proprietors of the Northern and Central blank held a meeting at Manchester on Thursday, and resolved that the affairs of the Bank should be wound up, and the concern dissolved.

At a meeting of shareholders in the Groat Western Railway, held at Bristol on Wednesday, a favourable statement was made of the progress and prospects of the undertaking— The receipts for passenger traffic during the first six months of the present year,. while the line was opened as f:tr as Maidenhead, show a very consider- able increase. The number of passengers conveyed. from July to December 1838, was 222,018, and from January to June 238,834; the comparative re- ceipts being 37,3141. 18s. for the thriller, and 411,4191, Os. 7d. In the latter case. The daily number of passengers has been 142S in the half-yenr just ended; and upon a calculation made by the total number of miles travelled, there has been an average of 10s) persons each day travelling the whole length of the line. The receipts in the coaching department to thir 1; Iii June are 43,4911. Os. 7d., and the charge upon them 23,0201. 9s, 4r/., leaving a net profit

for the six months of 18,471iL 11 a, 3,1:; which sum, in addition to 18,29fiL, the profit for seven months previous, In a lolance of revenue in that depart- ment of :30,766/. The railway was opened to Twyford on the 1st of July; and although the time has been too short to admit of any well-defined calculation

of the advantage arising from its extension, yet by a c,,inparison of the months of July in the years 1838 and 115:19 respertivi:ly, it ii en's that while in the former period 1107 passengers tray.,Iled daily the distance of twentv-two miles between London and Mail,' 'ml, in the later IA153 have travelled flail the whole distance of thirty-one miles bet tv1.1.1i I.ontlim and Twyfinsl. The report of the Directors was unanimously aporoved

It is intended, we hear, to hold a valeilictoto. service next week at one of the Wesleyan chapels ill Bristol, on a nose! and most interesting occasion. The mission-ship Triton, law . ;;uly pi:rebut:sett by a grant from the Centenary Fund, is intended to sail Srom this port next week. The Triton will bear to different stations 11111 et yeti Missionaries, seven

of whom have wives and families : stone are fol. the Cape of' Good I-lope, some for New Zealand, and others for the Priendly Islands, -where the Triton will be stationed.—Bsistot Stoshos/.

Thirty-one clergymen of Ripon, Thirsk, and the neighbourhood, have transmitted an address to the :Marquis of latialontlerry, expressing

deep regret that, " in coin pilau .e with the towlo i ohm usages of the

upper classes of society," his Lor 'ship had confiesk.emled to fight a duel with Mr. Henry Grattan ; and noire:eating tlw .'at benefit to society, and honour to hinisolf, which would have accrued front the exhibition of Christian principles in decliniug the eh:diens.' On the occasion re- ferred to.

It is perfeetly appalling to oh serve the vast iminher of uninhabited houses in Manchester. One es litientait alone its •41e,laiYed a diminution of his rental, which is all derived from loot'': in town, of no leo; than /,,,00/. this last s,a anal all others art: sull'esino iii 'il proportion. Workmen who used to otsfiipy each a cottage ti of their own family ex- clusively, are now ts impelled to Ii uldle three famildes in one cottage ;

and vast numbers of houses of all kiwis, from I30/. rent duo it to lid.

are also tenantless. ihi wit,! I parole:1o," which is to he Seen in SO Malty WindOWS, intik:Aka eliarly that a host of liab;ers have left town, or have been deterred hs so returning ; intl IIe no tit! characters, " To let," " To let," -which roses t themselves at every turn, are by no means calculated to shortea die long and care-woalt faces which are now to bo seen on the once isi4y and prosperous 'Change of Man- chesters—Gtobc.