31 AUGUST 1839, Page 6

The Chartists threaten another " National holyday," to commence in

a month from next 711onday. Chartism is very still now at Sheffield; bust many new entries ate said to have taken place ; and bills have been issued by them, stating

that as the Magistrates are determined they shall not meet publicly, they have divided themselves into class meetings similar to the Mathes dists, in order to organize themselves.—Thmeaster Gazette,

In accordance with a resolution previously passed, the Chartistsoi Norwich proceeded on Sunday week to the Cathedral, which ina crowded, almost to suffocation. The Bishop, who preached, took the oppodunity to deliver a most impressive remonstrance on the folly ad danger of their proceedings. The Chartists behaved well at the Ca. thydral ; but at St. Stephen's Church, in the evening, they made adieu turbance, and frightened the preacher.

Mr. Jesse Ainsworth, and Mr. Holliday of Oldham, Mr. Feargas O'Connor's Sill'etieS at the Stamp-office for the Northern Star, bare withdrawn their names and security ; in consequence of which, that paper was not published last Saturday. A fifth edition of the Northern Star of the previous Saturday was issued, witlt a note stating, that, fit reasons to be explained hereafter, no paper would appear on the 24thof August; and Mr. Hobson, the publisher, put forth the following cit. cular- " All infamous conspiracy has succeeded in procuring the withdrawal of hfr. O'Connor's sureties in the Stamp-office, without giving him any notice. lie just discovered it in time to prevent the stoppage of the whole week's issue,by altering the date and form. In its present shape it is perfectly legal, but must not be sold. till Saturday ; though you may get part of your order before the usual time. New sureties will be perfected for our next. It was a deep oldu brit it has failed."

The Chartists of the different colliery villages around this city bare been perfectly quiet since our last, and the men have generally returned to their work. The humbug is rapidly dying a natural death.—Due ham. Arhsertiser.

It was mentioned in the second edition of last Spectator, that charges of brutal conduct had been preferred against May, the Superintendent of the London Police, stationed at Birmingham.The

gistrates met to investigate these charges on Saturday night. The complainants did not appear, and the Magistrates declared theg corn* tion that the charges were nnfonnded.

The Warrrich Advertiser contradicts a statement that Lovett anti Collins had been removed from the felons' to the debtors' side of the gaol. No less than ten sheep-stealers were apprehended last week Wile parish of Rockland St. Peter ; and, what makes the fact more extrar dinary is, that they are men moving in a respectable sphere of lIf!! being farmers. In one instance, twelve stolen sheep scene found on the prisoner's premises.—Nosfolh Chronicle.