31 AUGUST 1839, Page 9

The Committee of the North American Colonial Association have formally

protested against Mr. POULETT THOMSON'S appointment as Govemor-General of Canada. In a letter from Mr. Russets'. Ewen, the Chairman of the Association, to Lord MELBOURNE, the grounds of objection to Mr. Tuostsox are stated— "The Committee feel the utmost confidence, that the permanent connexiou of the North American Colonies with the Crown of Great Britain may easily be attained by judicious management, but that it may be irretrievably endaugered by the appointment of a Governor-General who should not possess the confidence of the Colonists at this period, when their minds arc unsettled by recent occurrences; and having been informed that the appointment of the Right Honourable C. Poulett Thomson to that office has been contemplated, the Committee feel it to be a solemn duty devolving on them, to place before your Lordship their deliberate conviction, that his known opinions on subjects in- volving the interests of the Colonies would necessarily deprive him of that confidence, without which it would be impossible for him to administer the government of the Colonies with advantage or safety." Lord MELBOURNE sent the following reply- " Malting Street, 2401 August 1839. Sir—I beg leave to acknowledge your letter of the 22d instant. I am sorry that the opinions which you have been instructed to state, are enter- tained by a body of so much weight and influence as the North American Colonial Association ; at the same time being entertained, I feel that they could not have been more properly expressed ; and 1 remain, Sir, your faithful and obedient servant,