31 AUGUST 1850, Page 10

The papers announce the somewhat sudden death of Mademoiselle Olga

d.e Lechner, at Ashinunham House, on the night of Tuesday last

"This amiable and accomplished young lady, ' says the Morning Chronicle —she was in her twenty-fifth year—" was the daughter of the Baroness Brun- now, by a former marriage, and was born at Odessa. The first attack of the fatal malady, [scarlatina, ) which took place on the Thursday previous to her death, was not of a nature to excite the alarm of her family ; and when, at the close of last week, the Baron Brunnow departed from this country on leave of absence, no apprehensions were entertained respecting the issue of what then appeared only a slight and passing indisposition. But early in the present week the disease assumed a virulent form, and the utmost exer- tions of medical skill were unavailing to arrest the rapidity of its progress. Notwithstanding the dangerously contagious character which marked its later stages, the last moments of the lamented sufferer were cheered by the presence and the unremitting and anxious attention of her afflicted mother, who could not be induced to leave for a single moment the deathbed of her beloved daughter."