31 AUGUST 1872, Page 14


Sut,—Mr. Galton's letter revives the question, "Is the desire to- pray the result of intuition or instruction ? " and judging from. the ideal picture he has drawn of the first lesson in prayer, heft appears satisfied that the universality of prayer, for all testimony establishes that, in all ages and among all nations, is the result of instruction. To some extent this is a question of fact, to be proved by accurate personal observation, as well as of argument.

Having observed children in the school and in the family, to myself the conviction was at least confirmed, if not actually formed, that to children the apprehension of a Deity is intuitive ; that the minds of very young children are prepared to receive ideas concerning God, and that prayer to Him, as the Almighty Father, maker of heaven and earth, is instinctive. Was it not - deep spiritual insight rather than mere poetic fancy that saw 4' heaven lie around us in our infancy," and is not the same idea conveyed to us in the Psalmist's words, "Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings haat thou perfected praise," and in that still deeper utterance, "Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven "?—I am, Sir,

I. F. A.