31 AUGUST 1872, Page 2

When Mr. Greeley accepted the nomination of the Cincinnati Convention

he retired from the editorship of the Tribune, but we fear he still controls it. If he does, his election would be a very bad omen for the Negroes, for the Tribune is clearly inclined to favour what is called the "policy of separation." That is to say, they are to have all the privileges of whites in the schools, the hotels, the railway cars, and everywhere else, but are to enjoy them all separately ; that is, in fact, they are to be treated as outcasts on account of their colour. That idea once accepted, laws made for them must be separate, and as they would not have a separate legislative House of their own, would be almost certainly oppressive. The negro schools would be bad, the negro quarters and cars dirty, and the whole race thrust back again into that pariah position in which self-respect disappears. The pride of colour is strong enough in India, Heaven knows ! but no law or custom has ever yet separated the children at college.