31 AUGUST 1912, Page 12


[TO THE EDITOZ 01 THE "8rsorsroa."1 SIR,—Your remarks and suggestion that "no food taxes—+ taxes on corn, meat, and dairy produces—shall be imposed until a referendum has been taken on them "—that, in my opinion, is the only thing that will win the Election. Six years ago a young table-knife grinder replied to an inquiry I made. " We are eight children at home ; mother buys on Monday 3 stone of flour and makes 27 loaves, which last a week, and we live on them, and you mo'nt put ought on our loaf." Those words of the boy had the only true ring for the next Election.—I am, Sir, &e., J. WiLlas Dixon.

30 years President itt. Philip's Ward Conservative Association, bheffield.