31 AUGUST 1934, Page 1


ON one ground in particular—by no means the only ground—the engagement of Prince George is to be viewed with peculiar satisfaction. Since he has remained single till the age of 31 it is obvious that he has decided to marry now simply because he has fallen in love. This country is a democracy and it likes to see in the members of its Royal Family precisely what it does see in them, human beings like the rest of their fellow-countrymen, devoting themselves to their special duties and discharging them supremely well, and marrying, when they do marry, the man or woman of their choice. The choice may fall, as it did with the Princess Royal and the Duke of York, on a commoner, or, as in the case of Prince George, on a member of another royal house. If the old tradition that royalty can only wed royalty had not been freely disregarded by Prince George's sister and brother his engagement might be credited with the character of a gran age de conversance. As it is there can he no question of that. Congratulations to the Prince, and to the Princess of Greece who will soon be a Princess of Britain, will be wholehearted and universal. Sympathy can mean fel- lowship in rejoicing as well as fellowship in sorrow.