31 AUGUST 1956, Page 29


Wasps are a great nuisance to everyone with a garden or an open kitchen window at this time of the year and particularly this season, for they are being driven out of their nests earlier than usual and the expanding broods are having to fend 'for themselves. Last summer, when it was so dry, there were fewer wasps about, in this district at least, and I think that altogether there were fewer insect pests because wet weather hastens decom- position upon which most insect life thrives. Perhaps the predatory wasps lacked a feast. At any rate, we picked and carried in our fruit without many wasps. This summer they arrived to catch us jam-making when the blackcurrants were ready and they seem to have been with us ever since. What is the cure for a wasp nest in the garden? Undoubtedly a bit of cyanide at dusk when most of the pests are at home. It doesn't do to give them a charge of shot, in my opinion. When I did this long ago tWo wasps came after me for every pellet in the charge.