31 DECEMBER 1831, Page 10


Thrum and Bnowx , Birmingham, builders—S•rnwawr and SCHNIBEEN, 'Whitecha- pel, sitgar-retiners—Buctivx AN and A.nneean tram, Liverpool, brokers—Cu:iv-Assn and.

Swirr; Walsall, Staffordshire, saddlers' irmenongers—FOnT.SITANI and DEBNE7, White-

chapel. plumbers—G. WADDINGZIAM and J. WADDINGIIAM, Sheffield, coach-proprietors —MMILLAN and CtIALLINOR, Bolton-le-Moors, Lancashire, chemists—MARL:NALL

and Co. New City Chambers, brokers ; so far as regards S. MARSHALL—Donn ETA) and.

DRAPER, Great York Mews. &niers—M. P. ALLEN J. COOKSEY, and S. H. DOOKSEE, Southampton. elteesemougers—G. ARMSTRONG, L. REnsizan, and M. REDHEAD, Skin- ner Burn, earthenware-manufacturers ; so far as regards M. REDIIEAD—T. TODD ten. and T. Toon jun., Birmingham, merchants—HAveoew and RACE. Wells next the Sea, grocers—TfromPsos: and EmEasosi, Allhallows, lead merchants—CoLmrcs and DAMMAM), Dutton Street, ale-brewers.


SCHOFIELD, Ttiosuis, Wakefield, 'Yorkshire, innkeeper, Dec. 24.

BANKRUPTS- BAMFORD, SOWN, Leamington Priors, Warwickshire, wine and spirit merchant, to sur- render. Jan. 5, 6, Feb. 7 : solicitor, Mr. Beaumont. Lincoln's Inn Fields.

&soca, WILLIAM, Drontield, Derbyshire, victualler, Jan. 11, 12. Feb.7: solicitors, Messrs. Lowe, Tantield Court, Temple; and Mr. Thomas. Chesterfield.

131.sxx, SAMBEL A•rxixs Plymouth, ironmonger, San. 12, 13, Feb. : solicitors, Mr. Husband, Devonport; and .Mr. Smith, Basinghall Street. BRADLEE, WILLIAM, Manchester, manufacture, Jan. 7, 9, Fel). 7 : solicitors, Messrs. Makinson and Sanders. Temple; and Messrs. Atkinson and Birch, Manchester. BROMWICH, ABRAHAM PHI curs, Tottenham Court Road, baker, Dee. 30, Jan. 6, Feb. 7 : solicitor, Mr. Lewis, Bernard Street, Russell Square. DAVis, CHARLEs FREDERICK, Nailsworth, Gloucestershire, clothier and engine- maker, Jan.16, 17, Feb. 7: solicitors, Mesims. White and Co. Old Buildings, Lincoln's Inn ; and Messrs. Bloxsome and Co. Durslev, Gloucestershire. Donors:, DANIEL, Burlington Gardens, Ilona Street, gold and silver manufacturer, Dec. 30. Jan. 6, Feb. 7: solicitor, Mr. Weymouth, Gray's Inn Square. EmAxs, WILLIAM, Birmingham, bookseller, Jan. '2,3, Feb.; : solicitors, Mr. Gem Chancery Lane ; and. Mr. flanks, Temple Street, Birmingham. I Imuniso, WILMAM Bisiror, Gloucester, baker, Jan. 9, 10, Feb. 7 : solicitors, Messrs. Shearman and Freeman, Bartlett's Buildings: and Mr. Tipton, Gloucester.

Him., WILLIAM, York, miller and flour-dealer. Jan. 4, 5, Feb. 7: solicitors, Messrs. Jacques and Co. Coleman Street : and Messrs. Wood and Co. York.

Pants mi. Joust HA:trawls% WOls-next-the Sea, ship-builder, Jan. 11, 12. Feb. 7: so- lictlors., Messrs. Swains and Co. Frederick's ylace, Old Jewry ; and Mr. Garwood,

m is

Pnisnmasr, JAMES, late of Putney, wheelwright, Dec. 30, Jan. 10, Feb. : solicitor, Mr. Searth, Lyon's Inn, TALBOT, WILLIAM, Birmingham, grocer, Jan. 13.14, Feb. 7: solicitors, Mr. Beebe, Devonshire Street, Queen Square : and Mr. Hughes, Guildhall, Worcester. TILsT0NE, JOHN RICHARDs, Cheapside, commercial-agent, Dec. 30, Jan. 6. Feb. 7: solicitors, Messrs. 13ruttrin and Co. New i3road Street.

TREGENT, PATRICK, Postlip, Gloucestershire, paper-manntlietnrer, Jan. 5, 6, Feb- 7: solicitors, Mr. nonsfield, Chatham Place; and Mr. Workman, Evcsliam. .Ts, 14, Jolly, and WALTON, CHARLES, Toxtcth Park, near Liverpool, builders, 16, Feb. 7: solicitors, Mr. Vincent, King's Bench Walk, Temple ; and Mr. Bristow, and Messrs. Bartley and Roberts, Liverpool. WALLER, THONIAS, DiglITOWIL Birstall, Yorkshire, leather-dealer, Ian. 6,7, Feb. 7: solicitors. Messrs. liattye, Fisher, and Sudlow, Chancery Lane ; and Mr. Ingham, Brig- house, near Halifax. WTLIE, CHARLES DASEELT„ Watton Place, Blackfriats Road, cheesemonger anti artificial flower-manufacturer, Jan. 4, 9, Feb. 7: solicitors, Messrs. Bowden and Walters, Aldermaubury.


Jan. 9, Benelli, Quadrant, Regent Street, dealer and chripman—Jan. 3, W ilson. late of Wellington Street. Strand, upholii,•rer—San. 5, Brooke and Hayward, Shepperton Street, New North Road, Islington, ironfountlers—San. 3, Cottingliam, Bexley, Kent, surgeon—San. 6, Cowling„ Poultry, haberdasher—Jan. 6. Maniglier, Mincing Lane, merchant—Jan. :27, Mullowny. Bristol, merchant—Jan. 20, Bowes, Norwich, grocer— Jan. 20, De Carle, Norwich, grocer—Jan. 27, Briscoe, late of Denton, Lancashire, pro- vision-dealer—Jan. 19, Griffiths, New Castle Emlyn, Carmarthenshire, tanner.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Jan. 17. Johnston, Ilenrietta Street, Westminster, tailor—Dryilen, late of Newcastle-upon- Tyne. common-brewer--Geary, Brentwood, master-maxiner—Bott, Hart Street, DO- vent Garden, farrier—Holton, late of Charles Street, Suffolk Street, Middlesex Hospital, coach-maker—Guiver, Enfield. Highway, stage-master.


1,BeRTE, ROBERT, Glas"ow, spirit-dealer, Jan. 4, 25. TnoskoN, ALEXANDER,'Cupar Fife, baker, Jan. 4, O.


and W. BARRER, York Wharf, Princes Street, Lambeth, thee-boilers-SCOTT and CLOlum, Birkenshaw, Yorkshire, wool-staplers aud clotlemanufacturers-CRoox and

CitronTow. Liverpool, engineers-WiLsoN and Co. Bordeaux ; as far as regards CUTLER-J. and It. Sm MI, late of Aldersgate Street, grocers-MACFARLAN and Som NHS, Abchurch Lane, coal-merchants-J. and C. OsnonN, Bourn, Lincolnshire. ironmongers -PETTITER jun. and POOLE. Northamdton, coal-merchants-TURNER and Co. Oakham, Rutlandshire, drapers -; as far as regards OLDRNOW-Eatows and Co. Liverpool, mer- chants - SARnsar and ADAMSON. Aberdeen, ship-elm/Idlers -PRIEsT and LueAs, Butcher Hall Lane, plumbers-H. and W. A NCE LL, Oxford Street, chemists-BLEADEN and Co. London Tavern, tavern-keepers-J. and J. CUFF, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, tavern-keepers-G. and W. NOEL, Jermyn Street. St. James's, boot Imd.

shoe-makers-TURNER .ittn. and Ilighburton, Kirkburton, Yorkshire, limey- Cloth-manufacturers-Ws/mu and EVETTS, Feckenham, Worcestershire, needle-manit- facturers-BELL and Co. Whitehaven, Cumberland, linemmanufrcturers ; as far as regards J. BELL sen.-SLAcic and COLLET, :Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, mercers- Dosses and Co. 30, Column Street, chemists and druggists ; as far as re- gardsJOHN DonsoN-Asturost and 11 ROOKS, Blackburn, Lancashire4calico-mauufacturers -Roosits and PHILLIPS, North Auffiey Street, carpet and rug-warehousemen-W. and C. Emus:wrote, Birmingham, attorneys and solicitors-RrecaRns and Co. Bishopsgate Street Within, dealers: astir as regards MAciawrostt-WRIGHT and HAMPER, Weaver's Lane, Horslydown, Surrey, patent maltsters-BurrERwoaTit and CRoss, Manchester, smallware nuntufacturers-Hset.Ey and PAGE, Smethwick Iron-works, Staffordshire, iron-masters


Rem, XOTIN, Blackman Street, victualler, Dee. 29.

FARRAR, WILLIAM, Bread Street, Cheapside, warehouseman, Dec. 30. HOLGATE, GEORGE RoLvyn, Piazza. Covent Garden, wine-merchant, Dec. 30. STEPHENS,TuomAs, London Road, Southwark, linen-draper, Dec. 29.


COvENEY, THOMAS, Benenden, Kent, farmer, to surrender Jan. 9, 11, Feb. 10: soli- citor, Mr. Ashursi, Nen-gate St reel ; and Mr. Hague. crallbrOOk. CRAMPTON, JosEett, Kirkesivahl. Cumberland, paper-manuthetnrer, Jan. 12, 13, Feb. solicitors,Messrs. llelder. Clement's lun ; and Mr. Jameson, Penrit h.

EVANS, JOUN, Bare•■• Yard, Itaeklersbury, warehouseman, Jan. 3, 10, Feb.- 10 : solici- tor. Mr. Leigh, Ili rge Stud. Mansonthouse.

• GILLELAND. II as m. Liverpool, bricklayer. Jan. 16, 10, Feb. 10: solicitors, Messrs. Constable and Kirk. Symotel's Inn ; :Ind Mr. 'fates, Pool Lane, Liverpool.

( RIFFIIIIs, BENJAMIN lx :s, 1)0111/igi!Sllire. Ira her. Jan. 10, 13, Feb. 10: solicitors, Messrs. Milne awl Co. Temple ; and Mossrs. Walker and Jess,,Manch..•,:for. LEKs..TouN. proitwi,11, Worcestei•shite. salt-nt•raitte!oror, Jan. 13. 14. Feb. 10: soli-

citors, Messr-:. Ft:Agate :nal Co. i:ss,x Street, Strand ; Messrs. Robeson, Droll w MAsox, Thomas, Pinner, MUldle,x, horse-dealer, Jan. 6, 10, Feb. 10: solicitors, Messrs. Roche alld Plow man, Charles St reoi. Covont Garden.

Sin:awl-moo Prit lees St oil, Sfamtbril Street, Blackfriars Road, builder, Jan. 3, 10, Fl,. : solieitor, Mr. Carlon, high Street, Marylebone.

WATSON, It A RN situ Ix s.mv. Licerpotd, flag-manolhetnrer, Jan. 16, 17, Feb. 10 : liCiI0PS, Messrs. Parr and Ward, Exchange Street East, Liverpool ; and Messrs. Audi:''- ton and Co. Boltbrd Row. WINTER, WILLIAM. Bristol. surgeon. Jan. 13. 14, Feb. 10: solicitors, Messrs.White and Whitmore, Lincoln's Inn; awl Messrs. Bevaa and Brittan, Bristol.


jan.23. A. Mackenzie sem Liverpool, lignormerchant-jan. 7, G. Garrett, High Street, Marylebone, vietuall-r -.Ian. 7, G. Barrington, Stock Exchange, stock-broker- Jan. 10, J. Nimtno, Upper Gower Street, bookseller-Jan. 9, W. Trailer, Greeuwiell, stone-mason-Jan. 9, It. T. S; ;oh . A ylshatn, Norfolk. linen-draper-Jan. 23, J. Cross, Turnmill Street, Clerk:moven, pawubroker-Jan. 10, M. and W. Turner, Reading, Berkshire, hat-manufacturer-Jan. 10. M. and S. W. Woodward, Honduras Wharf, Bankside, timber-merchants-Jan. 7, T. Reed and J. Middlemas, .Neweastle-upon-Tyne,

merchants-Jan. 5, G. C. Living. St. Helen's Place, merchant-Jan. 23, Evans, Abergavenny, Monmonthshire, inn-keeper-Jan. 21, J., H., and G. Bugg, Spalding, Lincolnshire, hankers-Feb. 4, J. Davis, Birmingham, linen-draper-Jan. 21, W. and W. Burma, Witaborne Minster, Dorsetshire, timber-merchants-Jan. 23, F. Baker, Creekmoor, Dorsetshire, iron-founder.


To be °ranted, unless muse be shown to the contrary, on or befbre Sanitary 20.

H. Smith and J. Holton, Charles Street, SAM: Street, Middlesex Hospital. coach- makers-I. and J. Malden, Clipstone Street, Fitzroy Square, bakers-II. Ferg,nsson, Euston Scputre, and D. M•Naught Liddell, London Street, merchauts-J. Lake, South Motion Street, Bond Street, tailor-J. Jones, Bushey, Hertfordshire, silk-throwster- J. Careless, Sweeting's Alley, Cornhill, Nietualler, and Leadenitall Market, cheese- monger-J. Stephen, Great St. Helen's, wine-merchant-T. Howells, Old Montague Street, Brick Lane, Whiteeltapel, manotheturing-chemist -J. Watley, Birmiwdiam, hotel-keeper-J. Halstead jun.. ( ',due. Lancashire, cotton-spinner-G. Newman, Pan- cras Lane. Cheapside, agont -NV. Huddersfield, licensed victualler-J. Watts, Corsley Heath, Wiltshire, grocer.


BAYNE, ALEX ANDER, Glasgow, Dec. 31, Jan. 16. STEVENSON, ALEXANDER, ElliIIIMIrg11, grocer, Jan. 2, 23.