31 DECEMBER 1831, Page 29



THERE MUST RS • PERIOD AND AN END OP NAVES AND DIGNITIES, AND IMATFORrErt Is TEREIIITE ; AND Wilt NOT OP DE NESS? FOR MITERS IS BOICIIN7 WHERE'S MOP/PRAY 7 wisens's MORTIMER? MAT, WHIMS IS MOSS AND MOST OP ALL, WHERE IS PLANTAGENET ?"_Speech of LO'd Chief Justice Crewe, 1662. [Throughout the following Tables, those who voted in favour of the Reform Pitt, on the motion for the second rending, are printed in Camas. ; those who voted agnivst it, in Italics; those who gave no vote are printed in the ordinary Roman diameter. The letter a denotes absent from the division; I. female; en. minor ; p. voting by prosy.]

Pan tbe ttitb.

Original Creation. Present Title. Family Name.

1. 1264 B. Be Roos 13. De Roos . De Eons

2. 1264 B. Le Despencer .... B. Le Despencer.f. (now in ate.) Stapleton

erzinattr try: ,frirst.*

3. 1295 B. Bergavenny......E. Abergavenny,a Neville

4. 1295 B. Berkeleyt E Berkeley, a Berkeley 5. 1295 B. Audley . B AUDLEY .Touchet

I LS. 1295 B. Willoughby de Eresby B. WILLOUGHBY na EaEsny.Tiurrell

l 7. 1299 B. Clinton.. B. CLINTON Trefusis

I 8. 1299 B. De Clifford B. DE CLtFFORD Southwell (9. 1299 B. Ferrers of Chartley M. Townsend, a Townsend et b)arb Mr gr'rrcnV.

10. 1307 B. Dacre B. DAca E Brand

11. 1307 B. Delawarr E. Delmearr West 12. 1308 B. La Zouche B. La Zweite, f Curzon

13. 1324 B. Grey de Ruthyn..B. Grey de ltutltyn,f Yelverton

* The order of precedency of the Barons of the reigns of Edward the First and Second, in this Table, differs a little from the order in which those Peers sit in the House of Lords ; but there is great doubt if the places assigned to them in that assembly be correct.

t Such is the precedency in which the last Baron Berkeley sat in the Houseln that barony; but the original barony is not vested in the present Earl; whose proper precedency is under the writ to his ancestor in 1416.

Original Creation. Present Title. Family Name.

1442 E. Shrewsbury E. SRREWSBURY Talbot


B. Say and Sele B SAY AND SELE


1455 B. Stanley E. DERBY.. Smith Stanley


B. Stourton B STOURTON



B.Hastings 51 of HASTINGS


Iiirbarb tbe irb


1483 D. Norfolk .........P. NORFOLK Howard

Pcttrv tfie gobrntt.

20. 1492 B. Willoughby de

Broke B Willoughby de Broke ... ....Verney

Penrp tbe Ciattry.

21. 1514 B. Herbert

D. Beaufort

Somerset 22. 1525 E. Rutland

D. Rutland

Manners 23. 1529 E. Huntingdon E. HoNvixonozz, p Flutings 24. 1529 B. Windsor..

E. Plymouth . ...

Windsor 25. 1532 B. Blordaunt

D Gordon

Gordon 24. 1539 B. Russell ... .. ....D. Bsoyortn, p Russell


B. St. John of BasingM. WINCHESTER .. Paulett

Vilma Me goixo.

1547 B. Seymour


. .. Seymour

1550 V. Hereford

V. Hereford . . .


1550 R. Paget ...... ..... M. ANGLESEA Paget


13. Herbert .... .... .E. Pembroke, a.


as. as.

34. 1559 35. 1567 86. 1571 37. 1572 38. 1572 39. 1579 40. 1603 41. 1603 42. 1603 43. 1603 44. 1603 45. 1604 46. 1605 47. 1608 48. 1615 49. 1616 50. 1616 61. 1618 52. 1620 53. 1620 54. 1620 55. 1623 56. 1624 57. 1626 68. 1626 59. 1627 60. 1627 61. 1628 62. 1628 63. 1640 64. 1641 65. 1641 66. 1643 67. 1644 KS. 1660 69. 1661 70. 1661 71. 1661 72. 1663 73. 1663 74. 1665 75. 1672 76. 1673 77. 1675 78. 1675 79. 1676 80. 14;61 81. 1662 $2. 1689 63. 1682 $4. 1683 : M. 1686 36. 1689 87. 1689 88. 1689 89. 1691 90. 1692 91. 1602 92. 1691 93. 1703 94. 1703 95. 1703 96. 1703 97. 1706 98. 1706 99. 1711 100. 1711 101. 1711 102. 1711 103. 1711 104. 1711 105. 1711 106. 1712 107. 1714 108. 1716 109. 1716 110. 1716 111. 1716 112. 1717 113. 1718 114, 1720 115. 1720 116. 1720 117. 1721 118. 1722 119. 1723 120. 1725 /21. 1728 122. 1728 123. 1729 124. 173.3 125. 1733 126. 1741 127. 1741 128. 1742 129. 1742 130. 1746 131. 1747 182. 1747 133. 1747 134. 1749 135. 1749 186. 1756 137. 1756 138. 1756 139. 1760 140. 1760 Original Creation. Present Title.

1653 E. Devon E. Devon, a. ......Courtenay. 1554 B. Howard of Effing-



E. Suffolk F Sureots Howard B. Cecil H. Salisbury Cecil B. Spencer of Worm- leighton .. D. Marlborough Churchill B. Petre... B NITRE . Petre B. Grey of Groby ...E. Stamford and Wan ington.. Grey B. Cavendish D. DEVONSHIRE Cavendish B. Arundel B. Arundel .. .... Arundel B. Clifton ..... .... . E. DARNLEY .13tigh B. Dormer .........B. DOR311:11. ....Dormer B. Stanhope F Chesterfield, p Stanhope B. Teynhani B TRYNILAM Roper

E. Northampton.... H. NoweriAmroN Compton.

B. Fielding F Dennt on Fielding E. Brooke &WarwickE. Brooke and Warwick Greville B. Montague D. Manchester Montague V. Maidstone F. Winchilsea Hatton-Finch E. Westmoreland...E. Westmoreland Fane

@barks tbc jfirot. St. John ....B. St. John of Bletsoe,m. St. John

B. Buckhurst D. Dorset Sackville B. Burleigh M. Exeter Cecil B. Norris . E. Abingdon Bertie E. Lincoln ..... .. -D. Newcastle . Clinton B. Howard& WaldenB. 11 owAan nu WALDEN Ellis James tbe "inst.

B. Tufton .... ... .E. TITANET

E. Lindsey E. Lindsey, m

B. Poulett E. Pouted B. 13rudenell F.:. Cardiyan, p B. Coventry .. . E. Coventry B. Strange 1) Atholl, a.

B. Stafford B STAFFORD B. Bruce . M. Aitesbury B. Capel . .E. ESSEX. B. Byron B 13v mom B. Ward F Dudley

ChatIrs tbe teco0.

E. Sandwich ..... - E. Sandwich, in . . .. . Montague E. Carlisle F CARLISLE Howard B. Ashley E. Shaftesbury Cooper B. Cornwallis. E CortistvALLis Mann E. Doncaster.. ..... D. &cc/cunt: Douglas Scott B. Lucas. C De Grey f. . .. . . .. Campbell B. Craven .... ... . E. CltAeitaf Craven B. Clifford 13 CLIFFORD OF Cue DLEron,p Clitrord V. Latimer D. Leeds Osborne D. Richmond D RICHMOND ;.......Lennox 1). Grafton D. GRAFTON Fitzroy D. St. Alban's .. ... .1). Sr. ALBAN'S Beauclerk IL Lumley ...E. Scarborough, p. LumleySaunderson B. Thynne .. .......111. Bath Thynne B. Dartmouth E. Dartmouth .. . Legge B. Ossulston E Tankerville.. Bennet B. Guilford... ..... . E. Gui/fbrd North

jams tDe g•rronb.

B. Waldegrave .. ...E. Waldegrave Waldegiave

41•11iIIiam tpe Ctir11.

E. Portland.... ....D. Po RTLANn, p Bentinek

B. Ashburnham..... E. A shburnham, a. ....... Ashburnharn

BD Cholmondeley -M. Chohnondeley Cholmondeley 13. Villiers ...• . ..... E. Jersey Villiers E. Albemarle E. ALBEMARLE Keppell B. Letnpster ..E. POMFRET Fermor 13. Baraurd H. CLEVELAND Vane


B. Guernsey . B. Aylesfin d Finch' 13. Gower M STAFFORD,p.............. Gower B. Conway M Hertford Conway B. Hervey M. Bristol. .. Hervey B. Pelham E CHICHESTER .. Pelham B. Cowper E. COWPER Cowper E. Oxford E. OXFORD .. Harley D. Brandon D. HAMILTON Douglas B. Boyle E. CORE and ORRERY Boyle 13. Hay .E. lammed Drummond

B. Middleton ....... B. Middleton, a Willoughby

B. Bathurst E Bathurst ..... Bathurst E. Ferrers E. FERRERS Shirley V. Bolingbroke ..... . V. BoLIN01111 °SE."... St. John

Otorgt lbr jfinst.

B. Harborough E. Harborough, a Sherard B. Onslow ........ . E. Gus Low Onslow B. Cadogan ...... . E. Cadogau, a Cadogan

B. Romney... . ... E. RO3INEY . ...... . Marsham B. Parker ..., - .... E. Macclesfield, p.. Parker

B. Stanhope ...E. Stanhope, a Stanhope

B. Cobham D Buchingham . Temple

B. Wallop ...... ...E.. Portsmouth, a Wallop

B. Boscawen.......E. Falmouth... Boscawen V. Torrington V Torrington, in 13/08 E. Graham D. Montrose, p. . .. ........ Graham B. Percy ....D. Norlhumberland,p . ...Percy B. Walpole. ..... ...E. Orfiod Walpole

B. King... ...... ...B. Krxo Kiag Orem tbe *vont 13. Hobart...........E. Bucrosionamsnins, p. Hampden B. Monson . . B. Monson Monson B. Harrington E. Harrington, a

B. Hardwicke E. Hardwicke B. Talbot .E. Talbot B. Montfort......... B. MONTFORT.

B. Ilchester......... E:Itca ESTER B. Milton.... . E. Fitzwilliam, a B. Edgcombe........ E. Mount Edgcombe, p B. Fortescue . E FORTESCUE V. Demeter ..D. LEINSTER V. Folkstone E. RADNOR B. Anson. E LITCHFIELD B. Ponsonby E. BESBOROUGH

E. Egremont........E. Egremout, a

B. Harwich M. DOWNSIIIRS B. Hyde E. CLARENDON B. 13/anstield E Mansfield.

B. Wycombe M. LANSDOWNE B. Sondes. B. SONDES',

..Tufton rertie Poulett Brudenell Coventry Murray Jerningham

Bruce Coningsby Byron

Ward Stanhope Yorke . •Yorke Talbot Bromley Fox•Strangeways Fitzwilliatn ... Edgeombe Fortescue Fitzgerald Bouverie . Anson . -Ponsonby . ....WyndhaM Hill Villiers Murray Petty Watson Family Name.

1.66. 167. 169.

171 18!. 183. 184./ 185.1 186.'



20 9.


237 949.

rTrue. Original Creation. Preseu Pantile Name.

1761 B. Spencer ....... . E. Sear:nen, p SS 1761 B. Mt. Stuart M. Bute . fie, Stuart 1761 B. Grantham ... . .13. Grantham oWGrosvenoru Weddell ne ll esTi ,:sTers

1761 13. Grosvenor ... ...DI. W m

1761 B. Scarsdale....... . B. Scarsdale,p 1761 13. lloston .. .11. Boston . Irby

1761 13. Chatham - ...... E. Chatham, a

1762 13. Holland ........ . B. HOLLAND 1769 B. Lovel and HollandE. EG3IONT,p .... FPveoerxreneovna 1 1762 B. Vernon .. . ..... B. VERNON 1765 B. Camden .... . ... M. Camden • • * • Plaotrteton

1763 B. Miele 13 Duc ie

1765 13. Digby . .., . E. .Diaty . ... .. .. ............. Digby 1766 V. Maynard V. Maynard. . A : : cMaynard

a n ipb eu

1776 B. Hamilton. D. ARGYLE ...... 1776 B. Hawke . B HAWEE.p Hawke 1776 B. Amherst-. ..... E. AMHERST Amherst 1776 B. Brownlow F Brownlow ... CUSS 1776 B. Harrowby E. Harrouby Ryder

. ..

1776 B. Foley ...B. FOI FY Foley 1780 13 Loughborough ... E. Rosslyn ::: Rice 1780 R. Dynevor.... B Dynevor 1780 13. Walsingharn.....B. Walsingham De Grey 1780 13. Bagot .. B Bayot . ..13agot 1760 13. Southampton .... B. South Fitzroy 1760 13. Porches ter...... .E. Carnareon ..... ... ...Herbert

1782 13. Grantley

1762 B. Rodney B. Grantley, p. ... .Norton 1783 . Sydney B. Rodney Itedney 13 V Sydney •Townshend

1781 B. Louvaine

1784 B. Carteret .. E. Reverie!, Percy


B. Carteret . .Thynne 1784 B. Eliot E. St. Gennains .. . ... Eliot


1784 B. Lowther ....... - E. Lonsd Lowther 1784 B. Grey de Wilton .. E. W Egertonilton . . .. ...

1781 B. Evesham ...E. Somers, a Cocks .. . ... 1781 B. Borringdou ... ...E. alo am: v .Parker 13. Berwick, a. ...Hill 1781 B. Berwick w .

1784 13, Sherborne B Su EntIOILNS .. .Dutton 1784 B. NIontagne B Montague Scott

17611 V. Hamilton M. Abercorn, in Hamilton]

1786 13. Tyrone ..... .. ...III. Waterford, 7 fi Beresford 1786 B. Carleton F SHANNON 1786 B. Hawkesbury E. I A ccrpool JBoyleenk i n s o n 11786 13. Suffield B. SUFFIELD Harbord 11786 13. Dorchester 13 Dorchester, In ...Carleton '1783 B. X enyon B. henyon Kenyon 1768 13. 31alniesbury .....E. Malowsbury Harris 1788 B. 13raybrooke ... . B. BRAVBROOKE Griffin 17S8 B. Howe B Howe,f Rowe

st er

1790 B. Fisherwick . . ..111. Doxsoat Chichester 1790 B. Douglas D Douglas Douglas 1790 V. Gage V. Gaye Gage

1790 B. Grenville ... B. Grenville, a. Grenville 1790 13. Thurlow B. Thurlow,m .Thurlow

ir ii vmeston


1790 B. Verulam F Verulam Olive 1793 B. Auckland B 4 lieLAND. . 1794 B. Clive F Pouris E den

B. LifTTELTON 1794 13. Lyttelton Lyttelton

1794 B. Bradford E. Bradfird Bridgman 1794 13. Selsey 33 SELSEY,p.... Phey 1794 31. Dundee B. D u:s oss peuaicidas 1794 13. Yarborough B. YARBOROUGH Pelham

1794 13. Mendip V. Curran: Ellis

1795 B. Hood ... V Boon.. Rood

1796 33. Stuart E. Moray, a Stuart

1796 B. Stewart F Galloway, a Stewart 1796 B. Saltersford E. Courtown, p Stopford 1796 B. Downey V. DOWNE . . Dawnay 1796 B. 13rodrick V Middleton.° ... Brodrick

/796 B. Bridport E. Stradbrooke, a

B Calthorpe Boon

1796 13. Calthorpe Calthorpe 1796 B. Dunstanville and

Bassett B Dunstanville and Bassett. . Bassett 1796 13. Harewood E Harewood .. . Lascelles 1796 13. Rolle /3 Rolle Rolle 1796 E. Cawdor E. CAWDOR Campbell 1796 B. Pierrepoint F. MANVERS Pierrepoint 1797 B. Wellesley N. WELLESLEY Wellesley 1797 B. Carrington B Carrington Smith 1797 13. Bayning .33. Bayntng Ponied 1797 13. 13oiton .. . .... B. Brava P 1797 13. Minto E. Mrxxo ly letyn mtound 1797 B. Wodehouse B Wodehouse, a. Wodebouse 1797 B. Northwick B. Northwick Rushont 1797 B. Lilford B. LILFORD .Powys 1797 B. Ribblesciale 13. Ribblesdale Lister 1797 V. Duncan .E. CAMPELEDOWN Duncan 1798 B. Curzon .. ... ..... E. Howe .. .. Curzon Howe 1793 B. Mulgrave F Dlu LOILAVE Phipps 1799 13. Eldon E. Eldon Scott 1799 B. Fitzgibbon F Clare, a Fitzgibbon 1801 V. St. Vincent V. ST. VINCENT Jervis 1801 B. Moore N. Drogheda, a Moore 1801 B. Loftuse 57 .. EaliVfortftus 1801 B. Crysfort ECisP , a. LoProby

1601 B. Alvanley 13. ALvAxLeir lieden

1801 13. Abercromby B ABE Hato/saw kbercromby E Gnus' 1801 B. Grey Grey 1801 B. St. Helen's B. St. Helens, p... . .. .. etzhoenrbert 1801 B. Nelson E. NELSON pls 1801 B B Keith,f. . Keith Elphinstone 1601 V. Hutchinson E Donoughmore, a Hutchinson 1802 V. Melville V Melville ..... ........... Dundas 1802 B. Redesdale 13 Redesdale 13. Rivers, p Mitford

1802 B. Rivers ... ..Pitt Rivers

1802 B. Ellenborough B. Ellenborough Law 1802 13. Sandys B. Sandys, f. 1802 B. Arden B. Arden.. . Hill


1802 B. Sheffield E. Sheffield LARS . Holroyd

1804 B. Lake Lake V

1805 V. Sidinonth V Sidmouth Addington 1805 B. Barham B BARHAM' ....Noel

1806 13. Erskine B. Eassrws,p Erskine 1806 B B. Stloo . Monteagle Browne

1606 B. Ardrossan F Eglintoun. m Montgomerie 1806 B. Lauderdale E. Lauderdale, p Maitland 1806 B. Granard E GRANARD,p. Forbes

1806 13. Crewe B. Crewe, a il r

1806 13B. Ponsonby B FONSONBY pC Crewe 1806 . Beauchamp E. Beauchamp

Ponsonby 1806 B. Aliso M. Artss,p Kennedy]

1806 B. Gardner B. GARDNER Gardner 1806 B. Breadalbane N. BREADALBANE, p ........Campbell 1807 B. Manners B. Manners Sutton 1807 E. Gambler B Gambier Gambler 1807 E. Cathcart E Cathcart, a 1809 V. Wellington D. Wellington CWathellcearslety,

1809 B. Niddry Hope.

E. Hopetoun .... 1814 V. Gordon E Aberdeen Gordon


1814 B. Beresford V Beresford iiota. 181.4 B. Exmouth V Exmouth. p • • ••• . • •• • . • ••• •Pellew 29).





Driginalt`reation. Present Title. Family Remo.

1814 B. Comberraere... ..V. Combermere . Cotton

1814 B. Lynedoch B LYNEDOCH Graham

1814 B. Hill B. Hill, a Hill 1814 B. Stewart M. Londonderry Stewart 1815 V. Granville V Gitaxvitut .. Gower

1815 B. Dalhousie E Dalhousie, a. Ramsay

1815 B. Foxford E. Limerick Pery

1815 B. Melbourne V MELBOURNE lifeiborone

1815 B. Churchill B. Churchill, p. Spencer 1815 B. Harris B. Barris Harris 1815 B. Meldrum E Aboyne.. ... Gordon 1815 B. Ross ...... ..... • E. Glasgow. p....... Boyle . 1815 B. Grinstead E. Enniskillen Cole 1815 B. Prudhoe B Prudhoe Percy 1817 B. Colchester B Colchester, p Abbott 03eorge tbe jPntrtb.

1821 B. Her H. Lothian Ker

1821 B. Minster M. Conyngbam, a Conyngham 1821 B. Ormonde . .M. ORMONDE .. ..Butler

1891 B. Wemyss E Wemyss and March, a Wemyss 1821 B. ClanbrassIll E Roden .. .. . . Jocelyn

1821 B. Kingston E. Kingston, a. .. ...King

1821 B. Silchester.. ...... E. Longford .. .. .... ...... .. ..Pakenham

1821 B. Glenlyon......... . Gr.esi.vos Murray

1821 B. Maryborough.....B. Maryborough .Pole

1821 B. Oriel V Ferrard, a Skefington

1821 B. Stowell B Ctowell, p. - .. Scott 1821 B. Ravensworth .... B. Rovensworth Liddell 1821 B. Delamere B Below:re Cholmandeley 1821 B. Forester B. Forester ... ... . ... ........ . Forester

1821 B. Rayleigh B. Rayleigh,f Strutt

1823 V. Clancarty E Cluncarty, p. .. Trench 1893 B. Bexley B Bexley Vansittart 1824 B., Gifford B. G ifford, m Gifford 1825 B. Penshurst.. ..... V. Strangford. Smythe 1826 B. Tadcaster...... -M. Thomend O'Brien

1826 B. Somerhill M. CLANRICARDE Be Burgh

1826 B. Wigan . ...... ...E. Balcarras..... ... . ... 1 indsey

1826 B. Ran furly E RANFURLV,p Knox

1826 B. Farnborough B Farnborough . ... • • • Long

1826 B. Be Tabley B. Be Tabley, m Leycester 1826 B. Gower B GOWER Gower

1826 B. Wharncliffe 13 lEhornelge . . .. . Wortley 1826 B. Feversh am B Feversham Buncombe

1826 B. Seaford B SEAFORD Fills 1827 V. Goderich V. GOBI:MCI! Robinson

1827 13. Lyndhurst B 1 nnilliiirSt Copley

1827 B. Fife ... E FiFF .fluff

1827 B. Tenterden. B Tenterden .... .... -Abbott

1827 13. Plunkett B PLUNKETT Plunkett

1827 B. Melrose . E. Haddington ..... Hamilton 1828 V. Canning V Canning, f. ... Canning

1828 B. Cowley B. Coudey Wellesley

1828 B. Stuartde RothesayB. Stuart de Rothesay Stuart 1828 B. Heytesbury B. Heytesbury, a.. A'Court

1828 B. Rosebery E. ROSELERY Primrose

1828 B. Clanwilliam E. Clanwilliam Meade

1828 B. Durham II. DURHAM, p ......Lambtnn

1828 B. Skelmersdale..... B. Skelmersdalc ...Wilbraham 1828 B. Wallace B. Wallace .. . Wallace 1829 B. Wynford. B Wynford. ....Best

MOM 14 3,01111b.

1830 B. Brougham & VauxB. BROUGHA31 AND VACX ....Brougham

1831 E. Monster ..... ....E. AI u NSTE a Fitzclarence 1831 B. Kilmarnock E. ERROLL. Hay Original Creation.

334. 1831 B. Fingal! 335. 1831 B. Sefton 3,36. 1831 B. Rossie 337. 1831 B. Dover 3139. 1831 B. Clements 339. 1831 E. Burlington..

340. 1831 B. Kenlls 341. 1831 B. Chaworth 342. 1831 B. Dunmore 343. 1831 13. Ludlow 344. 1831 B. Hamilton 345. 1831 B. Hotvden 346. 1831 B. Panmure 847. 1831 B. Oakley 348. 1831 B. Poltimore 349. 1831 B. Wenlock 850. 1831 B. Mostyn 351. 1831 B. Segrave 352. 1831 B. Templemore.....B.

3.53. 1831 B. Dinorben 354. 1831 13. Cloncurry

355. 1831 B. Be SaumareZ

Duke of Cumberland Dates or SUSSEX


Canferbriry.... .......

York, a


London, a.

Dm ham


Worcester, a Hereford, a Salishav

NORWICH .... • .

Ely, a

Bath and Wens

Archbishop Tuom Bishop Leighli » and - Ctvne



QUEENSBERRY, M. Tweed title, H. Morton, E.* Home, E.

Elgin and Kincar- dine, E.

I (wen and Melville, E. Selkirk, E. FALKLAND, V. Arbuthnot, V. Strathallan, V.

Present Title,



....... ....B. KINNAIRD



..... E. Bu a LI NOTON, p ....M. BEADFORT .......F MEATH F. Du NSIOR n

E 1 ri DLOW

B BELHAVEN ..... ....B. BOWDEN ........... ......

... .• . B. PANMURE


B 31 ()STYX


Ts m PI Elloair B. Drgoassx B Ctoxcurtnx ..

...B. DE SAUMAREZ Pumily.Name

Plunkett j Molyueux


Fills 4 Clements 1 Cavendish Taylour Brabazon I Murray Al


Hamilton Cradock Maul Cadogan Pampfylde Lawley Lloyd Berkeley Chichester . . Hughes Lawless 'aunotrea


ry.Han. H. Ryder Herbert Marsh John Kaye William Carey

Christ. Bethel'. ..Edward Maltby' J B. Jenkinson Robert Gray

Hun. Hugh Pere,- George Murray E. C oplestone J. B. Sumner . Non. Bich. 13agot ..J. Henry Monk .. Henry Phillpots

Le Poer Trend* Ellington Kyle


G osv ono, E. Bosse, E., a Char/eel/Se. E. Glengall, E. Doneraile, V. Lorton, V.

(bit, V.

Carberry, B. Fa rnham,13.

Dufferin and Clonal Gaye, 13. DUNALLEY, B. - Cork and Ross



E so LISM or •s.

Wil li am Howley Hon.Ed.Hareourt 0 .1. Blomlield

V•in /linden C B. Sumner Fobert J. Carr G. I. Huntingford Thomas Burgess Henry Bathurst B Edw. Sparke Geo. Henry Law IRIsIt.

. ... .

Ferns ...... .. .....

. . ................ PEERS OF

[Those marked • ore Peers

Forbes, B.

Saltoun, 13.

Gray, B. Colville of Culross, 13.



FOR IRELAND. ThettleRci, 31.* Conyngliam, M.* a West meath, H. Carrid, E.


Duke of Cambridge, Duke of Gloucester


Litchfield 8- Covent Peterborough Lincota St. A saph Bangor

CHICHEsTER St. David's, a.

Bristol Carlisle Rochester /Janda/

Chester, a. .. . ......

Oxford Gloucester ......

Exeter ... .

lion. Power

........ .. Thomas .... ... John Brinkley Samuel


of Great Britain also.] CHARLEMONT, K. Kingston, E.,* a Mountcashel. E., a Longford, E.* Mayo, E. Enniskillen, E. Wicklow, E. Lucent, E. Belmore, E., a O'Neill, E., a Catedon. E. Limerick, E.* Clan curly, E.