31 DECEMBER 1831, Page 6


THE Cho' 2ra has made fearful progress in the Newcastle district since our last Neenber. Gateshead, a town of not more 12,000 11111/11A-• tents, figures in our tables for the first time this week; and already that deaths amount to Si;, and there is said, in this astounding item, to be an ends, ion of 8, which were not rerorted at all ! Such a sudden extension of a disease which crept so slowly through Sunderland, would seem ahnust conclusive against the notion of itiiiertian—for hew were so many to be so suddenly infected, in a community in which, previously, there were no sick ?--Resides the eases given in the table, there were lvii; ,d.g, at the date of the latest reports, at South Shields 1 ease, itt North Shields 6, at Lleueloen S cases • eel. a letter from Newcastle mentions the occur- rence of 'leases all 2 e4:-iiti■F• at Walker Colliery, and adds, that in addi- tien to the la' reported iieaths elneve alluded to, as having taken place at (Ii,tedwad, 24 cases in the neighbourhood of that town had equally eseaped nutiee. It is feir to mention, that the same letter speaks very liel.ily of' the ni•W rafq!S, whose swelling numbers it attributes as much. to tt 1laI'nS to di,T;;.,C.

C1:1■1 'a has also tiptwared in Seca-hind, itt Lioddington, seventeen milve to the eastward. if Edielaireli; where there have been 6 cases and iiaieg the roveltiea jim tl:e treatment of this formidable disease, is a pr.:;•.•sI u a Bailin physician, to mike cold and wet aprlications to tOYe rook and bead, instead of dry and wertr. epplicatiors ; to indulge tit., liatient in his craving for cooling beverage ; oBa to leave Nature to inieoee the rest. 1 lis reoecnihig is iierenious ; and as his practice has h( on ot least as suet. • , f*.:1 its that of 1:is brethreu, it seems deserving of a further trial. I,, is curious, that among ell the reports from Sun- (halved, pd thin and private, not a single mita:dialer has ever opened hie li.ds on the subject of the method a cure atti2i opted there.


Dec. 22, Run,!inimr.

7 Nit talk'.

45 teshea4 New c' ases

11 2 01, :3 1:3

—24, 5 12




211, —

—27, • )-;, 1 "9 44

Tonal CaAe,

144 2 I 177 Dee. 22, Recover' e, o 7

2:3, _ 1 14

—24, 1 10

--- 25,

1 6

'2'1, — 2 8

—27, 1 9 8

9 12


Total Recoveries 8 6:3 20 Dec. 22, Deaths 2 6 1 2'3, 1 2 — —24, 8 7 — —23, 1 9


6 10 27, —

10 32


1 — 6 13 — 9 46 56 Total Deaths Total Deaths and Recoveries 17 107 76 Cioes remaining 7 68 68 Total since commencement.

Cases 5°8

2 8 5-

144 Deaths 197 99 56 Recoveries 324 118 20

Remain as above..

7 68 68

The clothes of a woman who died at Sunderland of the cholera, were sent to a female relative at Scarborough—which circumstance becoming known, it excited great alarm in that town. Applications were made to the woman on the part of the Magistrates and the Board of Health, to induce her to give them up, which she refused. At last, however, she consented to surrender them for a considerable stun of money, and they were burnt on Friday.—Thd / Advertiser. [There will soon be a plentiful supply of cholera garments at Scarborough; we could not wish a Jew broker a better opportunity of sale.]