31 DECEMBER 1836, Page 6


Arrired—off Falmouth, Dee. 29th, Annabella. Anstruther, from Mauritius.: At Man willful, Miranda, Hopper; Cognac Packet, Wallace; Mersy, Parkinson ; William- Barra., Norrie; and Jane. Churehaard, from London ; Victoria, Wilson, from Bristol ; and Renowu,MtLeod,from the Clyde. At Singapore, Prince Regent, Bales, from London ; Sailed—From Liverpool, Dec. 211, Earl ENariss. Spittall; and Rebecca, Williams, for Bengal ; Lintin. Gillman, for Bombay; Hero, Smallwood, and Adelaide, Smith, for Batavia: 25th, Ilindoo. 51'601. for Bengal; and Isabella. Robertson, for Bombay ; 27th,, Ranger, Ainley, Mr ditto ; and Eleanor Laidmans, MtKie, for Bengal.