31 DECEMBER 1853, Page 19


B R 1 T 1 8 11 FUNDS. (Clueing Priem.

Saturd. llonday.,Tuexiay. Widnes. Thurs. Friday.

— --- — _ -

93/ 93 931 911 93 94 951 951 931 51 - — 2171 — -

7 8

— (Last Official Quotation


. 40

161 49 74 211 61 33 46 If 11 41 General Strain - Peel River Land and Mineral

113 Peninsular and Oriental Steam 87 ex. i

Royal Mall Steam

- South Australian sotexd.

Silver in liars .8 tandard 0 5 11 j Steel.SwedIsh Keg... is Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard -.13 17 9 . Copper, British Cakess 126

New Collars 0 6 01 1 Lead, British Pig 24 Foreign tiold in Cuin,PortUgal Pieces 0 0 0 I Iron, Welsh Bars 10

BULLION. Per oz. ' METALS. 10


0 0.. 10 6 0 0 .. 24 6 0 0.. 0 0 0 Per ton. 0 9 Wheat,R.New 62 4.88 Rye 40 to44 I Maple 404.53

Old Fine White

Fine e6-70 Barley 30 - 34 White..,. 56 -60 Super. New. 81-88 Peas, Hog .. 44 -48 Indian Corn 37-47

64 -68 I Malt, Ord 61-72 Beans, Ticks 40 - 14

6s-72 Fine 72-74 Old 14 - is 57-65 Malting 10 -42 Boners... 6 ,-65 GRAIN, Mark Lane, December 30. Gets, Feed .• 24 to 26 Polito .... 30—S1 Poland ... 28 - 29 Fine 29 -30 Fine 26-27

Fine 31-33

a, a.

AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales.

Wheat.... Si..84. I Rye 434. 154. 40 2 Beane 50 3

Oats 25 7 Peas 62 11 FLOUR. Town-made per sack 70s. to 73,. Seconds 65 - 68 ; Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 60 - 63 i Norfolk and Stockton 55 - 68 : American per barrel 32 - 40 Canadian 32 40 ' Bread, 971. to 101d. the 41b. loaf. 1

Beef .. 2 10 to 3 8 to 4 0 .... 2 10 to 4 4 to 4 8

Mutton. 3 4 - 3 10 - 4 4 .... Beast.. 780 1,443

Pork .. 3 8 — 4 4 - 5 0 .... 4 4 - 4 8-5 0 Ceires . 73 116 Lamb.. 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 .... 0 0 - 0 0- 0 Pigs ... 80 60 Veal .. 3 4- 4 0- 4 8 .... 3 8- 4 10 - 5 2 sheep . 3,710 Newoars also LIUDSMA■LL.• 1331111$1181.0.•

s. 4. a. d. a. d. s. d. s. d. d.

• To sink the offal. per 8 to

BUTCHERS' MEAT. )fans or CatTLII at Friday. Monday.


Kent Pockets Farnham ditto Choice ditto

Sussex ditto 159 - 215 !Leicester Hoggst and Welber.... 13 - 124 0 — 0 iSkin Combing IS 141


.10. to 240..11/own and belf.bred Hogs per lb. led. to 17d. and 240 360 . Wether d Ewe 14 -15

HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Trusses.)

CUX.ILIAND. 811111.611,1111.1. WIIITZOHAPIS•

Hay, Good 103s. to 113r. Si.. to lesa 95, to 105 Inferior 45 - 92 60 - 70 0 0

New 0 0 0 - 0 65 - 64 Clover 118 -130 75 -116 116 -128 Wheat Straw 38 - 44 36 - 42 32 - $8 GROCERIES.

rest, Itouchong, nne,per lb. Is. 01. to ea 04.

Cameo, fine 1 - 1 10 FOREIGN FUNDS.

(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.; Austrian b p. Ct. — Mexican 3 p. Ct. Belgian 41 - 95 Mississippi e -

Ditto 21 New York 6 - Brazilian 5 - 98 Peruvian 41 -

Buenos Ayres 6 65 Portuguese a - Chili= 6 - Ditto. 3 -

Danish 6 1021 Russian 6 - Ditto 3 81 Ditto 41 -

Dan. (Ex. 12 Guilders) -21 - 641 Sardinian 6 -

Ditto 4 961 Spanish 3 - French 3 - — Ditto New Deft, red 3 - Ditto 41 — Ditto (Passive) Massachusetts (Sterling) .6 - — Venezuela 31

40 1111 N 90 461 22


8 per Cent Console 1 Ditto for Account '911es

3 per Cents Reduced ■

31 per Cents Long Anuulties Bank Stock, 8 per Cent India Stock, 11.4 per Cent

Exchequer Bills, 24. per dies,

India Bonds 31 per Cent shut d.


951 — shut

6 pm.

.• ii "if; -- 94 911 951 — :20 — 6 — Bristol and Exeter Caledonian Edinburgh and Glasgow Eastern Counties Great Northern Great South. and West. Ireland Great Western Hull and Selby Lancashire and Yorkshire Lancaster and Carlisle

London, Brighton, & South Coma

Loudon and Blackwell London and North-western Midland Midland Great Western (Ireland)

North British Oxford, War. and Wolverhampton

Scottish Central South-eastern and Dover South-western York, Newcastle, and Berwick York and North Midland


Rost and West India London St. Katherine Victoria SHARES.

during the Week ending Friday Evening.) loss as-

Di Auetrolusinn 511 British North Atnerican 63 Colonial 131 Commercial of London 841 London and 'Westminster 104 London Chartd. link. of Australia 631 London Joint Stuck 110 National of Ireland 661 National Provincial 97 Provincial of Ireland 99 Union of Aubtrulin

si Union of Loudon

104 Mts. se- 63 Brazilian Imperial

49 Ditto (St. John del Rey)

351 i Cobre Copper 361 Colonial Gold

92 I Nouveau Monde

621 Misexu.ss sues-

771 I Australian Agricultural

64 Canada 461 Crystal Palace WEEKLY AVERAGE. For the Week ending December 24.

Wheat .... 70. 0I. Rye 44s. ki.

Harley 37 II Beans 46 10 Oats 25 0 Peas 49 6 PROVISIONS. Butter-Best Fresh, 16. Od. per dos. Carlow, et. 18.. to 51. 2.. per cwt. Bacon, Irish per cwt. CO.. to 62s. Cheese, Cheshire 66 - 83 Derby Plain 63 - 66 Hams, York 85 - 96

Eggs, French, pe, 12o, 6.. 6.5. to 8..64.

OILS. COALS, CANDLES. Rape Oil per cwt. 12 3 6 Relined 2 8 0