31 DECEMBER 1859, Page 8



There has been more business in the English Market during the last few days, the fluctuations, although really small, having been in excess of what have occurred for some weeks past. Monday was a closed day. Consols on Tuesday were quoted during the day at 954 951, at which price they continued with little doing till Wednesday afternoon, when an improve- ment set in, and at the conclusion of business were quoted 951 95k, closing with a firm appearance at the advanced rates. Reported firmness in Ex- changes, &c., by the Calcutta mail, with small bona fide as well as specu- lative purchases on the part of the. public contributed to the rise. A re- action set in on Thursday. on receipt of lower prices from Paris, coupled with the report that Russia had protested against the policy of France as regarded the Papal States, and Consols were finally offered at 951. Today (Friday) a somewhat better tone prevails, the last quotation being 951 9.5. The variation in Indian Stock has been slight. Money in somewhat better demand, both in the Stock Exchange and the Discount Market; this, doubtless, may be owing to the call always found at the end of the year, and the approach of the 4th January, when a large amount of commercial bills, &c., have to be settled. The Foreign Stock Market has been inactive all the week, the principal business having been in Venezuela, Victor Emmanuel, Turkish, and Mexi- can Stocks ; the latter shows an advance of about / per cent; Peruvian Bonds are likewise firmer' the Four-and-a-half per Cents leaving off 92 93, and the Three per Cents, 70 71, but there has been only a trifling amount of business pawing. Buenos Ayres closes 77 79; Ditto, Three per Cents, 19 20' Venezuela Three per Cents, 28' 29, having been 29 294; Portuguese remains quiet, 46 484; and Spanish Three per Cents have been neglected, 45 454; Victor Emmanuel has been in demand at 95 96 ; and Sardinian, 844 854; Russian Three per Cents, 66k 671; Chaim. Six per Cents, 104 1 ; Ditto, Four-and-a-half per Cents, 88 90; Ditto, Three per Cents, 7376; Turkish has been flat—the Old Six per Cents being 77 78 ; and the New Ditto, 61 65 ; Brazilian, 93 94; Uribarren Peruvian, 82 83 ; Peruvian Dollar Bonds, 80 82. Money has been in great demand today during the settling. Railway Shares have been buoyant and a considerable amount of business has been transacted, as well to open new as to close old accounts, previous to the end of the year. Quotations show an average improvement of f to 1 per cent; the larger amount of transactions have taken placein the heavy de- scription of Stock and Shares, where the Contangos and rates of continua- tion have been somewhat light. Great Westerns have been firm, closing 694 70; Midland, 1094 110_; Great Northern, 107 1074 good; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 100 1004; London and North-Western about 15s. better, 984 99; London and South-Western, 98 984; Caledonian, 941 941; North Staffordshire, 4 31 dis. ; Berwick, 95 954; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lin- coln, 384 39; Blackwell, 65 66; Eastern Counties, 51 584; London and Brighton, 114 115 ; South-Eastern and Dover, 81 844. The Markets looks very firm after the settlement. The Indian Market continues steady : East Indian, 1031 1034; Great Indian Peninsula, 1011 1014; Madras, 100 101; Bombay and Baroda, 994 1001. The French Market, as might be expected, is flat, in consequence of the settlement of the account and the state ef affairs with reference to the Pope and Italy. Northern of France, 38 39; Paris and Lyons, 364 37; Paris and Strasbourg, 25 26 ; Lombardo-Venetian, 2424.