31 DECEMBER 1870, Page 3

The Herren Hans of Prussia has forwarded an address to

the King upon his coming assumption of the Imperial Crown which will greatly delight all Junkers throughout Germany. The Prussian Squires declare that they have seen his Majesty "sur- rounded by the Princes of Germany accomplish the renovation of the Fatherland in camp before Paris with deep and faithful sympathy." "Noble provinces are about to be restored to that Fatherland." They believe that the Emperor, "having been chosen by the Sovereigns and Free Towns of Germany," will pro- tect the Empire, but allow German States to develop their own "national" peculiarities, and observe that the House has "faith- fully aided and supported the King at all times," indeed, "knows no other aim than the King's welfare, and, what is the same, the welfare of the country." The Prussian Lords willingly part with a portion of their prerogatives, believing that "the truly Gerfean and monarchical spirit which created the Empire will preserve it," and that the King "will know how to establish institutions secur- ing for the new Empire the guarantee of a genuine German, Prus- sian, and Monarchical development." That is a comforting address for the educated pawn, as with frozen toes and a stolen blanket over his shoulders, he waits for Valerien to fire at him. He has done nothing, one perceives.