31 DECEMBER 1887, Page 3

The Rev. Brooke Lambert, the Vicar of Greenwich, haa disinterred

and sent to Thursday's Times a very curious entry in the marriage registers of St. Alphage, Greenwich, under the date November 18th, 1685:—" John Cooper, of this parish, almsman in Queen Elizabeth's College, aged one hun- dred and eight years, and Margaret Thomas, of Charlton, in Kent, aged eighty years, by licence of ye Lord Bishop of Rochester and leave of ye Governors of ye Draipers' Company." This marriage must, we should think, have been got up by others than the parties themselves, as a vulgar sort of joke. Even if the ages be a little exaggerated, no sane people of that age would have entered into a tie of this kind on the very brink of the grave. Since the age of Methuselah, if the Methuselah of tradition ever existed, there can hardly have been any such marriage.