31 DECEMBER 1898, Page 1


THE public will be well ad eised to regard with great caution the sensational and inflammatory telegrams that are pour- lag, in from Johannesburg. All that seems certain is that the very natural discontent of the Outlander population against the corrupt and inefficient administration of the Boers has been raised to an unusual height owing to the killing of an Englishman by a Boer policeman, who was attempting to effect his arrest. This led to a demonstration of British Lubjects on Christmas Eve, which had to be conducted in Lilence owing to the monstrous Transvaal laws against public meetings. The demonstrators, some three thousand strong, presented to the British Vice-Consul a petition to the Queen taking for the impartial trial of the policeman. During these proceedings there was a certain amount of rioting, bat no bloodshed. Meantime, the violent part of the Boer Press is writing insanely savage articles as to the lestruction of Johannesburg. There is, however, every reason to believe that Mr. Kruger is anxious to prevent a rollision. Our own desire is, if possible, to leave the Trans- vaal alone, in spite of its absurdly unjust system of govern- ment, for time must settle things in our favour. If it should he found that a policy of provocation is being adopted by Mr. Rhodes and his friends, their responsibility will be a heavy One. Note that but for the Raid we might now with a clear ^onscience insist that the Boers should give the franchise to the Outlanders. That act of folly and misdoing still paralyses ,tur action. We cannot now move unless we have the clearest Possible proof that the Transvaal Executive is making life 4bsolntely unbearable for the Outlanders, and such proof has 120t yet been produced.