31 DECEMBER 1898, Page 2

The Spanish Premier, Senor Sagasta, has been very ill with

pneumonia, but is reported recovering. He had, he told an interviewer, resolved to recommend a great many reforms to the Queen-Regent, and especially to correct the grand abuse of Spain, the evasion of the taxes by the rich, who, to speak plainly, bribe the taxgatherers to shut their eyes. It is not probable that he would have effected much, and he will now probably resign upon the plea of ill-health, leaving the Queen to pick and choose among Conservatives who are no stronger than he is. It is a great pity that the Regent has no personal following, for if she had she might suspend the Constitution, govern absolutely for six years, and, with her energy and sense, lay the foundations of a strong throne for her son to ascend. As it is, government in Spain is a game of blind- man's buff, which must end in some sort of overturn.