31 DECEMBER 1898, Page 3

The Times of Tuesday publishes a Manifesto from the American

Anti-Imperialist League. The object of the -organisation is, if possible, to prevent the ratification of the treaty of peace with Spain. The "signers" pro- test against "any expansion of the sovereignty of the United States over the Philippines in any event," and over any foreign territory without the consent of the inhabitants, as they believe such action would be "dangerous to the Republic, wasteful of its resources, in violation of constitu- tional principles, and fraught with moral and physical evils to our people." Branch Leagues have been formed in more than thirty of the States, and an enormous number of " signers " has been obtained, among whom are ex-President Cleveland, Mr. Sherman, Bishop Potter, of New York, Mr. Gompers, the labour leader, Mr. Andrew Carnegie, the Hon. Charles Francis Adams, the Hon. Carl Schurz, and the Hon. Edward Atkinson. In spite of the fact that we disagree absolutely with the contentions of the signers, we are heartily glad that the movement has taken place. Every coach wants a drag, and most of all "the Imperial Rocket." The Anti- Imperialist League will not stop the expansion of America, but it may, and we believe will, force the Imperialists to be on their mettle and not to jerrybuild. In a word, the Anti- Imperialist League will do excellent service by preventing Imperialism degenerating into Jingoism. There is no neces- sary connection between the two, but if he walks carelessly the Imperialist soon falls into the slough of Jingoism.