31 DECEMBER 1910, Page 1

The Sofia correspondent of the Times says in Tuesday's paper

that some two thousand Albanians who are still under arms have made demands of the Turkish Government which are in effect a claim to autonomy. The demands are in two sections. The first represents an irreducible minimum, and unless this be granted the insurrection will continue to the bitter end. The indispensable conditions are :—(1) A complete amnesty for all Albanians condemned for political offences. (2) Complete educational liberty, implying permission for the employment of the national language and the national alphabet in schools. (3) The reopening of all Albanian schools which have been closed by the Government, and the removal of the embargo on the printing presses of newspapers and other publications. Among the secondary demands are these :—All officials to be Albanians; Albanian taxes to be spent in the interests of Albania ; agricultural banks to be opened; and the Government to encourage the introduction of foreign capital into the country. The correspondent says that the national movement has received a great impulse from the severities and denationalising policy of the Young Turks.