31 DECEMBER 1910, Page 16


[To TIM EDITOR OF TER "ST2CTATOR."] Sra,—I am grieved to have hurt the feelings of your corre- spondent Mr. Lewis of Somerset (Spectator, December 24th), but he must not blame me. I was only taking Mr. Lloyd George's own description of himself and his Budget. When he was making that Budget, he said in the House of Commons that he had been looking round for hen-roosts to rob. That seemed to be a very good description of the temper of the Budget. Perhaps it might have passed for a pleasantry on Mr. Lloyd George's lips ; but I seem to remember that in later speeches he alluded with some pride to his experiences of poaching in his young days. I was really trying to save his reputation by showing that it might be an ancient peculiarity of his nation ; but I do not wish this to be taken as anything original on my part. Mr. Lloyd George is quite a new type in the English Cabinet, and anything that throws light on his psychology is of interest to those who must sit at his feet.