31 DECEMBER 1910, Page 26


[Under this heading tee notice such Books of the week es have not been reserved for review in other forms.] Church Congress Official Report. (George Allen and Sons. 10s. 6d. net.)—This gives in full the papers read and speeches made at the Church Congress held at Cambridge in October last. It is not necessary to do more than call attention to this appearance of them in a collected form. A few words, however, may be given to a personal matter connected with the Congress. This meeting was the fiftieth, and it is interesting to observe that the Rev. Dr. Emery, lately Archdeacon of Ely, who by common consent is credited with having started the movement for the gathering, lived to see its jubilee, and received due recognition of this service to the Church. Though he was prevented by illness from attending, we may be sure that he was not forgotten ; and the Report opens with the acknowledgment of his services. (Since this was written he has passed away.)