31 DECEMBER 1921, Page 14


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."1 SIR,—Mr. J. II. Kerner-Greenwood, who writes to you on this subject, is evidently unaware that it has been probed that the so-called dew-ponds are not filled by dew. Rain is undoubtedly the all-important replenisher. See Edward A. Martin, F.G.S., " Some Observations on Dew-Ponds," Geographical Journal,. August, 1909, p. 174-196, but more particularly a later paper by the same author, " Further Experiments on Dew-Ponds," Geographical Journal, October, 1910, p. 439464.-1 am, Sir, &c., BERNARD HOBSON. Thornton, Hallamgate Road, Sheffield.