31 DECEMBER 1927, Page 1

The New Year brings several new Acts into force. Chief

a the-se is the last part of the Widows,. Orphans and Old Age Contributory Pensions Act passed in 1925. This Act gives every insured person a " right " to claim an old age pension at the age of sixty-five. The Times has estimated that 450,000 persons Will be ,entitleii. to 'draw the weekly 'pension of 10s. from Thursday; January 5th. -The pension of 10s; a week will also he paid_ to the wife of in insured -man if she is over sixty-five. In such Cases - the addition of a pound a week to the income of the • family ought to, ease unemployment by enabling_ some of.' _ the 'Older-uneh. tip-With-draw froiri industry.