31 DECEMBER 1927, Page 17

A Dictionary of Occupational Terms (H.M. Stationery Office, 11 is.)

is a delightfully amusing book, although it was certainly meant to be of use rather than recreative. Useful it will certainly be to those who require a descriptive glossary describing occupations in detail : its raison d'art, therefore, is fully justified. We shall confine ourselves to drawing atten- tion to the entertainment it can give to the general reader. We all heard during the War of the man whose profession it was to make the pips that adorn our raspberry jam, but although this vocation does not appear in this volume, we have other and no less curious trades. Looking through a single letter of the alphabet we come upon the following :— Kierminder ; Kieselguhr grinder ; Kibblerznan ; Kentish ragdigger ; Guelph Kegrnaker ; Keyless motioner ; Keats machine operator ; Kitson and Empire light attendant ; Kreuz worker ; Knocker, flat. How many of our readers know these terms ? The answers will be found on page 1160.