31 DECEMBER 1965, Page 11


From : Lord Fisher of Lambeth, P. H. Canham, Robert Dolling, Conor Cruise O'Brien, Sir lock Campbell, Paul Williams, Peter Wyndham, Kenneth Mackenzie, Francis F. Stunt, R. Colyer, Kenneth Penn, Leopold Dantrosch.

On Rhodesia

SIR,—In your issue of December 24, you refer to what you call my 'ill-timed and uncharitable strictures.' May I remind your readers that in my letter to The Times, of which you are apparently thinking, 1 mentioned two duties to which we all owe obedience. We must regard with all due respect the authority belonging to the Queen and her ministers. We must at all times approach our problems, such as that of Rhodesia, in the spirit of goodwill, seeking in all our discussions to exhibit grace, wisdom and understanding. You think it reasonable to expect silence from me: but by my profession I am called to preach goodwill and in so doing to call men to repentance.