31 JANUARY 1852, Page 1

It appears that our Ministers are bestirring themselves in a

quiet way, to make good the deficiencies in our defensive establish- ments. Enlistment is visibly carried on with activity in the me-. tropolis, and by report in the provinces—especially Ireland. It is understood that Admiralty desp'atches have been sent to the Mediterranean, and officers distinguished for their skill in steam- mancenvering have been appointed to Channel commands. It is also rumoured that the number of soldiers on the Army Estimates of 1852 will be increased. The prudence of these precautions can- not be called in question ; but it is to be hoped that before any augmented expenditure is incurred, care will be taken, by increas- ing the efficiency of the Army and Navy, to make the amounts voted of late years go as far as possible.