31 JANUARY 1914, Page 13


The Dankside Costume Book for Children. Written and Illustrated by Melicent Stone. (Wells Gardner, Barton, and Co. Is. Gd. net.)—This companion volume to the Bontaide Acting Shakespeare contains a great deal of practical advice on the designing and making of stage costumes. Though it is intended to be a help to people who are arranging-ellibrien's

performances, we have no doubt that many amateur actors of historical or romantic plays will find much to interest them in these excellent descriptions of economical, but at the same time effective, dresses. Miss Stone has given us a great deal of information in a small space, but the book has been well arranged, and is therefore easy to consult. We can learn how to make a Greek dress without cutting the material, to construct a cloak for Prospero, and, among many other things, to make serviceable armour, and crowns for kings and queens. There are plenty of clear diagrams and pictures, lists of plays and characters, and an index.