31 JANUARY 1920, Page 2

Some of the more moderate leaders of the Labour movement

have issued a manifesto demanding immediate peace with Russia. The manifesto is signed by Mr. Bowerman, Mr. Brace, Mr. Brownlie, Mr. Clynes, and others. The signatories state that they do not subscribe to the political and social theories on whioh the Russian' Soviet Government, is based. They argue, however, that if the Soviet organizations represent the wishes. of the Russian people to such a small extent as is generally stated, the Red Armies could not have won suoh notable victories. Much as the signatories detest the Bolshevik tyranny, they believe that the worst possible polioy is either to intervene further in Russia or to urge on Poland and other States to further hostilities. "The course of least risk all round is complete peace. . . . A state of war increases the autocratic powers of the Russian Government."