31 JANUARY 1936, Page 1

Mr. Eden and Egypt Mr. Eden has no more urgent

problem before him than that of Egypt, and it is to be hoped that he will lose no time in pushing forWard the prOmised renewal of negotiations for a Treaty. The Egyptian General Election is due in March, and it is greatly to be desired that the main points should be agreed before it takes Place.. Electioneering is already casting its shadow over the " United Front," and if, as is generally expected,' the Wafd comes to power as the result of the elections and these points are still unsettled, it may be tempted to proclaim itself the sole authority entitled to negotiate, and the whole question may be again involved in internal politics. But to make quick progress it will be necessary to concentrate on essentials and accept the results of former negotiations on the minor points. The Egyptians are unlikely to make any difficulty about necessary accommodations to the present military situation, but any serious departure to their disadvantage from the main lines of the draft Treaty of 1930 would almost certainly be fatal to a settlement.

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