31 JANUARY 1947, Page 15


SIR,—The leading article in your issue of January 57th contains an inaccuracy in the first paragraph which is liable to mislead your readers. You state that the decision of the Wages Board was for nine days' holiday a year, and ycu describe this as amounting to only three days over the six statutory holidays. The notice of the proposals of the Road Haulage Central Wages Board issued-by the Secretary on Decem- ber_3Ist, 1946, makes it perfectly clear that ihe nine days' paid annual holiday are in addition to the six paid customary holidays which normally apply in England, Wales and Scotland. The paragraph relating to annual holidays begins with the words, " In addition to the holidays provided in paras. 16 and 57," and these paragraphs refer to the six days' customary holidays. It is surprising that proposals which are so clearly set out as those of the Wages Board should be incorrectly described in en article cf the importance of the one which you published.—Yours

Manager, Albion Sugar Company, Limited. Albion Wharf, Woolwich, S.E. 18.