31 JANUARY 1947, Page 16


Sm,—" Save Europe Now " announce an addition to their scheme for sending gift food-parcels for general relief in Europe. As an alternative to the more comprehensive food-parcels (which, of course, may still be sent) just chocolate and sweets can now be sent to Germany and Austria, solely for the relief of children. In Germany these supplies will go into the pool from which school-meals are provided. In Austria they will be used by the Ministry of Social Welfare for relief in schools, children's homes and hospitals. Many people who cannot spare a gift of rationed food will be glad to send a few bars of chocolate or a few ounces of sweets for these children. If they wish to send a parcel they should send a is. 6d. postal order and a stamped envelope addressed to themselves to " Save Europe Now," 14 Henrietta Street, W.C. 2, marking their appli- cation with a large capital " S." In return they will receive a printed label and full instructions.

Churches, schools and universities who wish to collect sweets and chocolate for this purpose may send such collections through in crates, cases or sacks to " Save Europe Now," c/o Caledonian Wharfage Com- pany, Pottery Street, SI. 16, but no other food may be sent through in bulk, in this way. Donors may care to enclose in their parcels a stamped postcard addressed to themselves for our acknowledgment, for the sweets and chocolate sent in this way will be distributed in bulk and no individual acknowledgment from Germany or Austria will be Secretary, " Save Europe Now."