31 JULY 1830, Page 10



THE facts of the New Revolution, so far as they have been ascer- tained from the Paris journals, and from the letters that arrived by yesterday's mail, appear at the beginning of our present number. Further particulars have reached London, by means ofprivate in- dividuals. One of these states, that when he. quitted Paris, on Wednesday afternoon, the assemblages of the people had greatly increased. The Place Louis Quinze was crowded, and the most deafening shouts were raised of "A bas les Bourbons ! a has les Despoteil " Five or six hundred of the people had been killed by the artillery, chiefly in the Rue St. Honore and the market-places. One unfortunate Englishman, who lodged at Lawson's Hotel, was shot while looking out at the window. The Royal Arms everywhere had been attacked and disfigured, or torn down, and the shops that bore them battered to pieces, A proclamation had been printed, declaring the King and his Ministers traitors to the constitution, and calling on the people to resist their authority. This document, which is signed with initials only, concludes thus

"The Ordonnances of the 25th of the present month, in abolishing the .principal guarantees consecrated by the Constitutional Charter, have set at nought the positive terms of that Charter, and of well-considered laws, adopted by the two Chambers, and sanctioned by the King according to legal forms, and have at length taught the Nation that the Chief which she had deigned to acknowledge, notwithstanding four years of vices, of Corruptions, and of treasons against his country, wished to govern it by leis own will, and according to the caprices of his own good pleasure. By these Ordonnances the Chief of the Government has placed him- self above the Law ; therefore he has put himself out of the pale of the law.

" In consequence, Charles Phillip Capet, formerly Count of Artois, has teased of right to be King of France; the French are released from all their obligations to him in that character. All the Ordonnances which he may promulge, will be like those of the 25th, null, and as if they never had been given. The Ministers composing the Government of the Ex- Ring, named Polignac, Peyronnet, Montbel, d'Haussez, de Chantelaues, And Guernon Renville, are declared attainted and convicted of high trea- son. It is the duty of all Frenchmen to resist, by every means in their power, the orders of Charles Phillip Capet, or his agents, under whatever denomination they may present themselves—to refuse payment of all im- posts, and to take arms, if it should be necessary to put an end to a Govern. ment de facto, and to establish a new Government de jure. " The army is released from its oaths of fidelity to the Ex-King—its country invokes its concurrence. Charles Phillip Capet—his self-styled Ministers or Counsellors, their abettors and adherents, the Generals, the Chiefs of Regiments and Officers are responsible for every effusion of blood resulting from the resistance of the Government de facto to the national will.

" Louis Phillip of Orleans, Duke of Orleans, is called upon to fulfil, under the present circumstances, the duties which are imposed upon him, and to concur with his fellow-citizens in the re-establishment of a Con- stitutional Government; and on his refusal to do so, he must, with his family, quit the French territory until the perfect consolidation of the new Government has been effected."

' The proclamationis dated Tuesday, and was to appear in the Re- des Peuples of Wednesday evening. The whole of the Journals hid again begun to publish, notwithstanding the oes Auld The so: dames. Theliatiowikeuezd mustered in 11 1.1 great force; and M. LAFITTE and General LAMARQUE would, it was said, put themselves at their head. All the public offices were closed, and in consequence no passports could be procured; the English were thus obliged to depart without them. Among the departures was that of Lady Stuart de Rothsay I The mails had been stopped; and it required the interposition of a military force of four hundred men, -which had joined the people, to conduct that of Wednesday out of the city. From every quarter, people were pouring into Paris to join and encourage its inhabitants. It was confidently said that the Regiments of the Line were to a. man for the nation ; and that of the military, the King had none• but the Swiss and the Garde du Corps on which to rely for offence- or defence. Numbers of the latter had been massacred by the- mob. The other towns were in a state of equal ferment; and the. Mayor of Rouen, it was confidently reported, had been hanged.. Numerous detachments of cavalry were meanwhile marching on Paris, and cannon was planted at various points along the Seine. The people were well armed, and in full confidence. Such are the- latest particulars, for which we are indebted to an interesting article in the Chronicle of this morning.

A corroboration of -these important facts has been given by the Brighton Herald, printed at a late hour last night. It also gives the proclamation ; which, however, it is but fair to state, is not much relied on at the Government Offices. The Brighton Herald adds, that the meeting from which the proclamation emanated, was held at the Bourse on Tuesday; and that LA FAYETTE pro- tected it at the head of a body of the reorganized National Guard. The combat between the people and the military is described as of

the most desperate character. The former tore up the paving-stones of the streets, when other weapons failed them, and, climbing the houses, hurled them on their opponents. The troops had, it is said, been driven wholly out of the city, but had taken up a position as to cut of the communication ; this, if true, will account for the force necessary to carry forth the mail. • At Rouen, one jour- nalist had refused to obey the ordinance ; and the blacksmith when sent for to break open his office, equally refused. The National Guard had taken up arms, and were watching the motions of the

military ; but no collision had taken place. The King was re- ported to have ran away to Brussels. Did he take the crown in his portmanteau, as his brother did in 1815 ? The informant of the Brighton Herald left Paris by the latest vehicle that was al- lowed to depart from the city on Wednesday night ;—Tuesday, the Herald says, but this is evilently a typographic error.