31 JULY 1830, Page 3


THE KING continues indefatigably to amuse himself, and thus to furnish amusement f.;r his subjects. After the Court, which was held on Saturday for the purpose of dissolving Parliament, he visited the new Palace at Pimlico; and report says he approved highly of the whole—gate, . fish-pond, plum-pudding and all ; a report which all our convictions of his Majesty's extreme good-nature cannot induce us to believe. In the evening the King gave a dinner party to the King of Wurtemberg. On • Sunday, leaving the Queen to attend chapel, his Majesty set out with his royal guest for Windsor, where they arrived at ten o'clock ! They visited all the parts of the Castle, returned to town by six, dressed, and proceeded to-the Duke of 'Wellington's to dinner at seven. The Duke's dinner seems to have given offence to some of the stricter people, for we perceived a complaint about it in the Times. We think the two Mo- narchs had well earned the best dinner the Minister could afford to give them. Monday was devoted to the review in Hyde Park, and to the installation of the King of Wurtemberg as Knight of the Garter ; both of which we notice below. After the review, the King and all the Royal Family breakfasted with the Duke of Wellington ; where a large party was assembled to do honour to him. Tuesday was devoted to the review at Woolwich ; and Wednesday to the second levee ; both of which events we have particularly chronicled. The King dined with the Duke of Sussex in the evening. On Thursday, for the first time since the funeral of George the Fourth, the King and Queen enjoyed each

• other's companyin the quietness of domestic retirement at Bushy Park Tried by the usual test, this must have been the happiest day they has spent since the funeral—it furnishes no facts for the historian. Oz. Friday, the Queen visited the Colosseum ; of which she expressed, at in duty bound, her high approbation ; and in the evening the King dined with Lord Holland at Kensington.

THE REVIEW AT HYDE PARK.—This military show, of which, in onr • last week's Postscript, we gave the official programme, took place on Mon- day. The spectators began to assemble so early as nine o'clock ; and by half-past ten the number in the Park was so-enormous as to give it the ap- pearance of being thronged. The principal masses, exclusive of those who aurronnded the square within which the manmuvres were to be exe- cuted, were clustered round Grosvenor Gate and Apsley House, with a

• view to obtain a passing glimpse of the King on his entering die Park and in taking his station in the square. There was also a very dense mass us the neighbourhood of Kensington Gardens, of those whose only •

object was to see the review, the rising ground in' that quarter being:. mostfavourable to their purpose. The Royal Standard was planted at the other extremity of the Park, about three hundred yards from the railings of Grosvenor Gate. The.King, accompanied by the Queen, and followed 'hy the Duke of Sussex, arrived on the ground soon after eleven o'clock. The review occupied about two hours. Without a great deal more crushing and struggling and danger than ten such exhibitions deserved, it could not be seen by above one out of fifty assembled for the purpose ; and we were, by choice, of the majority. According to a contemporary, it consisted of* the following manoeuvres, which we give on his autho. rity. ." The troops consisted of two troops of Horse Artillery, with three guns each ; two batteries of Foot Artillery, with three-guns each ; the 1st and 2nd Life Guards ; the Royal Horse Guards (Blue); the Utli. Light Dragoons ; and the 9th Lancers ; the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.Bat- tallow -of the Grenadier. Guards ; the 2nd.battalion of the Coldstream ; rued the 1st and 2nd battalions of the 3rd Guards. The troops were --Ainkedin.close column of quarter distance, and saluted his Majesty on Lis Lakin ,.up his position. Whey then Marched round in slow ap 44pick

" . •

timet.in divisions of companies and troops, opening their ranks sad saluting as they passed the King. The cavalry then passed in files of three deep, whilst the infantry in the rear formed line. As soon oaths cavalry had concluded, they formed into columns on the left, whilst the infantry marched up in slow time at open order. On the centre reach., ing within a short distance the Royal station, the whole line was halted, and presented arms, lowering the colours of the respective regiments. They then shouldered arms, closed ranks, and faced to the right about, and formed into solid squares of regiments, to receive the attack of cavalry. The cavalry, which had been formed into grand divisions whilst the infantry were retreating, now advanced and passed through the intervals thus caused by the infantry forming into solid squares. The cavalry then deployed into line, and advanced, taking up the ground which the infantry had previously held, and saluted his Majesty, the colours being lowered, and the bands playing the first part of the national anthem. The artillery then fired a salute." As usual, there was the greatest uncertainty among the crowd as to the route which the Royal cavalcade would take in returning ; and many thousands lost even a distant view, in consequence of a notion that the King had left the ground by Cumberland Gate, in order to proceed to the Zoological Gardens. Those who remained near the gate at the Corner, and at the entrance to Apsley House, were more fortunate. The King and his suite arrived at the Duke's about half-past one. After breakfast, the King came forward to the balcony, and the Queen was led to the same place by the Duke of Wellington. The cheering was of course great, both there and on the arrival of the Royal party in the Park. The presence of an immense crowd—or rather, we may say, the exhi- bition of anything strange or rare in London, of which a crowd is the inevitable consequence—cannot be expected to pass without some acci- dents. On the present occasion, however, the damage did not arise from the number, but from the recklessness and folly of the people assembled. Of those that remained on the ground, none was hurt, further than a few trodden toes ; but one man fell from a tree, and was killed on the spot, and a number were bruised from similar accidents.

REVIEW OF 'run ARTILLERY AT WOOLWICH.—On Tuesday, the Royal party, consisting of the usual members, arrived on the Common at Woolwich precisely at twelve oelocle, escorted, say the reports, by a troop of Life Guards. They left the Palace by the garden-gate about eleven, in five open barouches, without any guards at all, the two Royal carriages being merely preceded by two out-riders each. Through the whole line of road by New Cross, Deptford, and Greenwich, the windows of the houses were filled, and the King was everywhere in his progress, as on his arrival at the Common, hailed in the heartiest manner. The manoeuvres of the military finished, the officers had the honour to be introduced to the King, and to kiss hands. His Majesty then partook of a knife-and-fork breakfast,—or, as our French neighbours, who have other occasions for their knives, call it, a girl:-breakfast,.—at the mess- room. In the course of the breakfast, the King gave two toasts—" the Royal Artillery," and " the Duke of Wellington. and the Army and Navy combined." Lord Hill then gave " the King ;" which was drunk with great. enthusiasm—with deafening cheers. After breakfast, the King,ex- arniaaseveral of the barrack-rooms ; in the course of which he unexpect- edly surprised some soldiers' ladies, who were very anxious toget a peep at theKing, but •didnot expect the hence tr of an actual interview. They were scampering away, when his Majesty recalled them, and observed, that " without women there would be no good soldiers." Such are the words of the report. The Royal party then crossed the Common on foot, the Queen escorted by Lord Hill; and at five o'clock took leave, seemingly gratified by their visit.

CHAPTER or THE GARTER.—On the afternoon of the slay in which.

his It reviewed the troops in Hyde Park, a Chapter of the Garter was held at St. James's Palace, for the purpose of admitting the King of Wurtemberg as a companion of that order, in the place of his late royal father. The Knights were arrn yed in their very splendid pride velvet rol■ey., and insignia of the order, in the Gallery •of the Palace. They entered the

Throne-room one by one, and in the inverse order of their seniority—thus: the Duke of Richmond, the Duke of Devonshire, the Duke of Leeds, the

Duke of Dorset, the Marquis of Hertford, the Duke of Buckingham, Earl Bathurst, the Duke of Wellington, the Earl of Lonsdale, the Duke of Beaufort, Earl of Hardwick e, Duke of Rutland, Earl of Westmorland, Prince Leopold, the Duke of Gloucester, the Duke of Sussex, and the Duke of Cumberland. The investiture of a sovereign prince being a ceremony of more than usual pomp, the King during its progress sat on

the Throne. The Queen also -as present, and sat on a throne on his Majesty's left hand.; and the Princess Augusta, the Duchesses of Kent, Cumberland, and Gloucester, and the Royal infants stood by their Majesties as spectators. The King of Wurtemberg, was introduced by tine Garter at Arms, and knighted by his Majesty,—not kneeling, how- ever, that form being dispensed with because of his rank. The form of

election was then gone through, each Knight delivering to the Chancellor

a slip of paper, on which was written the name of the Royal candidate, who was of course declared duly Chosen. The two senior Knights then reintroduced the King of Wurtemherg ; anti the Sovereigns with their assistance buckled on the Garter, and placed the blue ribbons of the order on his shoulder. He then received the accolade from the Monarch saluted the members of the Royal -Family, and shook hands with the Knights Companions. The new companion then took his place on the throne on the right hand of the King, until the ceremonial of dis- solving the Chapter was gone through. The Court Circular stated that the King of Wurtemberg kneeled, as is customary in ordinary cases; but this is a mistake—kings never kneel in any civil ceremony. Had it been possible to expose the sublimities of the Chapter to the so evul- ear gaze of the reporter, he would have been saved from falliizig ; apital an error. But the gentlemen of the press came not there, and tence their unhappy misrepresentations.

THE DUKE OF SUSSEX'S PARTY.—The greater part of the Royal ?amity dined with the Duke of Sussex, at Kensington Palace, on Wed- nesday. We noticed the reunion of the .different members of the family as a happy circumstance in the commencement of the new reign. The rood understanding continues as perfect as it is cordial. The Duke gave in the evening a concert in the Long Gallery of the Palace ; it be- gat. at a quarter past ten, and finished at .haLf past twelve. The per- fortera were wholly English ; a circumstance which we record with

extreme pleasure, as most honourable to the good taste of the enter. tainer. The vocal performers were Mrs. W. Knyvett, Miss H. Cawse, Mrs. Anderson, Messrs. Braham, Knyvett, Sale, E. Taylor, Horncastle, Leete, Terrail, Hawes, and Goulden. Sir George Smart and Mr. Att- wood accompanied the glees. " At the conclusion," says the Court Cir- cular, "the Duke of Sussex stated, that their Majesties and the noble company had been much gratified by the performance, and his Royal Highness expressed his intention of patronizing English talent." The Duke will keep his word ; he never has broken it.

THE KING OF WIIRTEMBERG.—This Monarch, whose passing visit , probably tended to increase the feting of the week, left England on Wednesday, in the Lightning steam-packet, the same vessel in which he came over. The quidnuncs have been anxiously curious to ascertain the reason of the King's visit • and several surmises, none of them worth putting down, have been indulged in to account for it. We believe that the real and only cause was the desire of the King of England to do honour to a young Sovereignof excellent character; and that if the invi- tation carried to Boulogne were translated into plain English, it would be found to run pretty nearly in the same style of other invitations attri- buted to King William—" That the King of Wurtemberg would come over and dine with his brother of England, if he did nut happen to be better engaged."

LOYALTY OF TEDDINGTON.—It was no sooner announced that the Royal party, in its progress to Bushy Park, on Thursday, would pass through the village of Teddington, than the inhabitants, not content with merely gaping to it on its passage, set themselves to offer it such sim- ple honours as their country wits could best devise. A subscription was immediately got up, and the produce applied to the construction of an arch reaching from the one side to the other of the roadway, which was simply but gracefully ornamented with the flowers of the season, inter- mixed with wreaths of laurel. A large stand was erected for the re- spectable females of the place, from which to observe the Royal carriages : on the front of the stand was inscribed—" May the virtues of our beloved - Queen he long a guiding-star to the daughters of England." Besides these fixed proofs of loyalty, numerous flags and banners in every quar- ter fluttered in the breeze, and flashed to dm sun, adorned with mottoes corresponding to the occasion. At Twickenham, also, a triumphal arch was erected, and similar exhibitions made. The King and Queen were met at the latter village by a party of sixty gentlemen on horse- back, who conducted them through Teddington as far as the gate of Bushy Park. It is almost unnecessary to say, that the King and Queen were greatly pleased at these marks of attention, so much the more gra. tifying that they came from their own people.

TILE SECOND LEVEE.—We give a complete list of the presentations on this occasion, as we did of those that took -place at the first. Such a record will be acceptable to many of our readers, from the direct interest that they possess in it ; and it cannot be destitute of acceptability to any, as an index of the character of the new Court. The only remarkable addresses presented to their Majesties at the second levee were those of the Quakers. The deputation which carried them up had. their hats :removed, according to custom, by the Yeomen of the Guard, in the ante-room. They were headed by 'William Allen, who readthe addresses with a grave simplicity, in good keeping with the contents. . Among the general company who attended the Levee, we find the following names, besides the list of gentlemen who were presented.

DUERs—Wellington, Leeds, Redford.

ilfsitenerses—Hastings, Winchester, Graham.

EARLa—ragby. Roscommon, NValdegrace, Essex, Jersey' Howe. Macclesfield, Fife, Bathurst Aber- deen, Sheffield, llosslyn, Cathcart, Huntingdon, Moray.

ViscoUNTS Combermere, Dianne, Hereford, Valletort.

Loans—Skehnersdale, Boston, Churchht11,13e1- Saver, Kinnaird,Barhain,Ge.rvagh, Carteret, hill, Glenlyon, Downes. Bisiroe—Rochester.

RICHT Hoxotianrats— Hugh Elliot, Sir Gore Ouseley, Vesey Fitzgerald, H. GoulLurn, Sir a. Peel, Sir H. Hardinge. HoNorreAnIALS—A. Trevor, II. Legge, Rev. A. P. Percival, C. Stapylton, Captain Crofton, H. Windsor, —Spencer.

Courrs—B. Pototsky, Munster, de Potion, Eille Brahe.

BA noxs—No!ciren, Baumhack, Sins—Henry Monad, Archibald Christie, Henry 1Vard, A. Brooke Faulkner, Coutts Trotter, Bart.,

G. Hampton, T Turton, Bart., E. 'braes, J. Sewell, F. H. Doyle,G. Nayler, G. Wilson, T. Le Breton, T. Ma on, Wilson, C. Ker, J. Williams,

C. Des Voeux, Bart., W. Blizard, J. S. Lillie, H. 'Bedingfield, S. C. Jervoise, G. Farrant, R. Wi- gram, G. Pococke, R. Chester, Quentin, W. Free- mantle, A. Remove], G. Murray, T. Ilammond. Dssm--Chester.

Arennesoms—Hamilton, De Grey. Roy. Docroas — Bees Muddy, Collyer, Cole, Bennett, Holland,Cox, darclay.

Rev. Massraens—R. Aspland, T. Wood, J. HorsleyDeltas, T. Blakeman, S. Hail, G. Simp- son. M.A., T. flussell,Caleb Morris, Sir John Ro- binson, J. Tudor Rowland, R. Vaughan, T. Blun- dell, J S. Wall, T. C. Richards, S. Mummery, .Hyatt, J Campbell, Calvert Moore, T. Hulse, IV. H. March, Allan Cooper, T. P. Dobson, D. Bishop, J. Vantin, G. Evans, R. Philip, T. S. Porter, J. It Sheraton, A. Reed, J. Hughes, J. Emb'em, J. Blackburn, J. Evans, S. A. Davies, J. Patty, 0. Clayton, J. Yockney, H. Fowling, C. Proln, W. Williams, W. Hering, T. Brown, A. Tidman, J. Peacock, J. Richards, W. J. Fox, T. Hinny-, G. Masse, T. Cubbin, T. James, J. Turnbull, T. Price, B. Mordan, E. Tagart, G. Pritchard, J. Fletcher, W. S. Palmer, 0. Herrick, H. Townley, D. Davison, J. Clayton, jun , W. B. Leach, T. Madge, J. Elwey, W. Southwood, H. B. Teula, T. Thomas, E. Miller, J. Smith, T. Timpson, G. Gibbs, J. Floppies, T. Arundel, E. Lewis, — Wad- dington, J. Kingstield, J. Berry, E. Dunn.

Docroas—Dodson, liebenlen, Beattie, Borland, rye Smith. Commtestosims—Middleton, Sir R. Seppinga. Armrests—Campbell. George Sayer, Sir Chas. Hamilton, Jones, Browell.

Oressesis—Lord Hill, Sir. 0. Quentin, Slade, Ehrapnal, Hodgson. T. Browne, Sir Wanes Pea- cock° Pigot, the Earl of Cavan, Sir T. Bowser Durham, the Earl of Kihnorley, Tinting, Wid- driugtott, Burton, Watson. S. Brown, Bradshaw, Archibald Campbell, Douglas, Sir W. Heir Grant, Armstrong, Crosbie, Mundy. GOLoNlics — Fitzclarence, Armstrong, Leahy, Warre, Greenwell, Jervis, Marshall, Money. Hous- ton, Le Blanc, Phillott, Sir Richard Williams, Olen Tweedy, Des Voeux, Jones, Chariewood, W. O. Cameron, Head, Rely Hutchinson, Godwin, Dawkins, Charles WyrdLam, Sir Charles Dance, GHowardibbt,, Evelegh, Cnu, Trench, Elphinstone,

Mmes.—Scott, Pipon, Hon. Charles Murray, Ebben,.

Commaantall—James Gabriel Gordon. R.N.; Edward Burt R.N.. George Vernon Jackson, R.N.; Alexander, _R.N. ; Evan Nepean, R.N.; Irelmti, Boyce, R.N; Saiuthill, Whish, It. Mere- dith. R.N. Carrstia—Collier. James M'Queen, Silly, R.N. ; Colquilt, R.N. ; G. Sanders,-R.N.; Garth, Robert Gambier, George Gambier, R.N. ; Chad- wick, Seurt, R.N. ; Chads, R.N.; Bedwick, Ed- wards, Berdinck. H. C. Deacon. R.N.; William Young, R.N.; West, Dashwood, R.N.; Napier,. C.H. ; Philat, R.N. l'urvis, R.N.; John Baker. 11.N.; Hugh Cook, R.N. Sartorlus, R.N. Ed- ward Walpole Browne, Loftus, Sir Nesbit Wil- loughby, R.N.: Hollis, S. T. Woone, G. W. KnIghtfort, Hill, Anderson, 1.3.1e ; Washington !libber', William Henry I'ercy, E.N. ; Edge, R.N; Hyde Parker, Sotheby, R.N.; Thomas Browne, R.N.; Edward Lloyd, R.N.; Hon. D. Duncan, R N.

terraNANTR—Wilton, Calamy, Smith, John Green, R.N.; C. Hall.

Mi.ssmas.—GeorgeStacey, John Capel,William Allen, Washington Irving, Carleton, Eden, G. Byng, Hugo Meynell, Ilinchlifik, B. C. Brone, Charles Edward ISI‘Carthy, Vyse, Hugh Hanson, Anthony White, Delme, Orby Hunter, Adams, Clementson, Macdonald, lVine field. Boyce, G. Lennox Prendergast, Marton, Eitipon Collier, Win. ter, Edwards, B. GrevIlle, Writ:0am, De Neu- mann, Donald Croone, Stephen Thornton, B. Heneage, Frederick Byng, Masse, Jones, G. Vil- liers, Thomson, Dean, Barrington, W. Delray, R. Heath, Morse, James I mon, Shepherd, Darvent, Culling Smith, ILF.Naghten, Cox, Hart Davis, W. Attree, Henry Dawkins, Thomas Harper, J. J. Douglas, Headington, Vincent, Thomas, Cooper, Howship, Graves, Giles, Blackbume, John Hope, Freeman Ehab, J. T. Barker, S. Cooper, Arthu, Stanhope. Gurney, Dymoke, W. Cooke, Tudall. Ridley C.Home, Knight, John Elphuiston,Feganr


The Duke of Gordon, to present two Addresses to his Majesty, from the County of Aberdeen and Marischal College, Aberdeen. Vie. Deerhurst, with an Address from the Mayor, Corporation, and Citizens of Worcester.

Hon. and Rev. Henry Alfred Napier, by Mr. Law-

rence Peel.

Mr. Lowndee,'by the Lord in Waiting.

The Earl of Errol, to present an Address from the

High Constable of Edinburgh, on his Majesty? Accession to the Throne.

Duke of Marlborough with an Address iron


Sir Arthur Broke Faulkner, by his Royal Highnes the Duke of Sussex.

Earl of Shrewsbury, by the Duke of Norfolk.

Vis. Chetwynd, by Major-General the Hon. 1.


Lieut.-Governor Browell, by Adm. Sir Richard 1.


Earl of Darnley, High Steward of Gravesend, wits an Addressfrom the Corporation. Lord Auckland. by the Earl of Jersey. Commissioner Edgecombe, of the Victualing Board, by Vis. 1Melville. Lord Wynford, by the Lord in Waiting. Lord Rivers, by the Earl of Liverpool.

Lord Ravensworth, by the Lord In Waiting. Commissioner Sir James A. Gordon, K.C.B., by the Duke of Gordon.

Rev. Hugh Jones, R.N., by Vice-Admiral Sir CharlesOgle, Bart. Rev. Evan Neiman, by Via St. Vincent. Lord Edward Thynne, by Lord Cartatet. ry Rev. Hen Winckworth Simpson, Vicar of Hor- sham, by his Grace the Duke ofBuckingham. Vis. Fincastle, 60th Rifle, by the Duke of Sussex. Rev..7. ISI•Evoy, by the Rev. Dr. Blomberg, Clerk of the Closet.

Hon. Henry Fitzroy, by the Duke of Rutland. Limit. 'Col.'s'. Wilson, on his Appointment to be Gentleman Usher to her Majesty, by Ear: Howe. Col. Wary., by the Earl of Errol, on being ap- pointed Aid-de-Camp to the King. Capt. Vincent, R.N., on being appointed Gentle- man Usher to her Majesty, by Earl Ilowe. Vis. Kirkwall, by the Duke of Buckingham. Vis. llowick. by the Duke of Sussex. Hon. Arthur Trevor, by the Duke of Rutland. Rev. It. W. Jell, Preceptor to his Royal Highness Prince George of Cumberland, and Canon of Christ Church, on his preferment, by his Royal Hight:owl the Duke of Cumberland.

Marquis of 131am:ford, by Lord Clinton.

Capt. Vincent, R.N., on his appointment to the William and Mary Yacht, by the Earl of Errol. Rev. John Crofts, by Admiral Sir Charles Pole. Lord Arthur Lennox, by the Duke of 3:orate,. Ilev. Dr. Wetherell,Chaplain of Kensington Pa- lace, by the Lord in Waiting.

Commissioner things, on his going to Malta Rev. G. Elliott, M.A., by the Right Hon. li.Elliott. Dr. Hume, on hisappointment us Physician Extra- ordinary to the lime. by the Duke of Wellington. Lord Nugent, by Ilse Duke of Buckisselsam, Rev. Mr. Fansbaue. by the Earl of Errol. Shoe. Capt. Best, R.N., on his promotion, by Lord Wyntisrd.

Rev, Francis Grant. by the Bishop of Rochester. The May. of Can, bridge., with an :Lathe's, by the Marquis of Graham. Rear-Admiral Sir Philip Broke, Bart. K.C.B., on promotion, by N 'is. Melville. Rev. II. M. Wagner, Vicar of Brighton, by the Duke of Wellington.

Sir. John Strangways, on being appointed one of his Majesty's Gentlemen Usher,.

Rev. R. Burgh Hymn, Vh•ar of Kew, by his Royal 11 ighness the Duke of Cumberland. Capt. Henry Murray, 011 being appoitsted Gentle- man Usher to her Maje,ty, by Earl Howe. Sir. Serjeant Wilde, by the Lord Chancellor.

Dr. Richardson, Royal Marines, by Vice-Admiral the lion. Sir Henry Blackwood, Bart. K.C.B. Rev. Robert Sandiland,, by Earl Howe. Dr. MArthur, Physician, Royal Navy, by iris. floe. Admiral Curzon, on his promotion, by Earl Howe.

Count Morel de Cluunpernont, by Mr. Pole Carew. Rev. Calvert Moore, Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majesty. by Mr. Arthur Stanhope. Sir Henry Peyton, by the Lord Chamberlain. lion. T. Liddell, by the Lord in Waiting.

1Wv. Dr. Lougley, on his appointment as Head

Master off !arrow School, by the Ear!of Darnley, Sir Charles Blunt, by the Lora in Writing. lion. and Rev. Frederick Hectic, by Sir William Freemantle.

Rev. Henry T. B. Nicholson, Chaplain to his Ma- jesty when Duke of Charmer, by Capt. A. Vin- cent, R.N.

Sir Edward Chohneley Daring, 53 She. C. Daring. Rev. Wm. Owen, Chapel Royal, Whitehall, by Major Owen.

Hon. George J. Vernon, by Major-Gen. McDonell. Sir John Scott Douglas, H. P. 22nd Light Dra- goons, by the Duke of Cambridge.

Dr. Seymour, by the Duke of Sussex, on his being appointed Physician to his Royal Highness. Hon. and Rev. W Capel, Chaplain to his Majesty. Dr. Macmichael, by Sir Henry Halford, m, being appointed Physician Extraordinary to the King: The Dean of Bette!, by Lord lenry Chohnmaleley. Dr. Franc!.. Hawkins, on being appointed Physician to his Majesty's Household, by Sir Henry Hal- ford, Bart. K.C.B.

-Dr. Arthur, Physician to the forces, by Sir James McGregor, Director-Gen-Medical Deportment. Dr. John Forbes, on being appointed Physician to the Duke of Cambridge, by Earl Bathur,t. Mr. John Kirkland, by the Right Hum Sir W. Fremantle Major-Gen. Eustace, by Lord Hill, on promotion. Major-Gen. Hawker, by Lord Hill, on appointment to the Staff at 'Madras, and departure for India. Mc jloinr-tttGeon. . Waters, on promotion, by Lurd Mr. Rowland Alston, by' the Earl of Verulam. Mr. J. Campbell, by the Earl of Errol.

Mr. Edward Cole, by the Duke of Sussex. Mr. Charles Mills, by Mr. Cox.

Mr. W. Peel, by the Duke of Wellington, on being appointed a Lord Commissioner of the Treasury. Mr. 0. W. Hope. by Sir W. Hope Johnstone. Admiral Sir Richard Hussey Bickerton, by Vie. Melville, on being appointed Gen. of Al arines. Mr. Melville Wilson, by Major-Gen. Stephenson. Major Newton, by Earl ['Welt. Hon. Capt. Frederick Paul Irby, on his ap- pointment as Col, of Royal Marines, by Viscount Melville.

Major Hedger, by Lord Middleton. Major Elliot, by the 'Geist lion. Hugh Elliot. Major Hill Dickson. 64th Regiment, by Lieut. -Gen. Sir W. Pringle, K.C.B.

:apt. Tobin,C.B., on his appointment to the Com- mand of his Majesty's Yacht Prince Regent, by Lord Melville.

Lieut-Col. Jones, on promotion, by Col. Savage. Lieut-Col. Fane, on his return front the Cape of Good Hope, and appointment to the 55th Regi- ment, by Lieut.-Gen. Sir 11. Fane.

Lieut.-Cot Sir W. de Bathe, by the Earl of Errol. Lieut.-Col. Custance, by Major-Gen. Sir Howard Douglas, Hart. Lieut.-Col. Morris, by Lord Comberrnere. Lieut-Col. Drummond, by Major-Gen. Macdonell. Lieut.-Col. Tremenhecre, by Major-Gen. James Campbell, Deputy-Adjutant-General. Lieut.-Col. Sir George Bone, C.B., on being ap- pointed Gentleman Usher to the Queen, by Lieut.-Gen. Sir II. Taylor.

Col. Macgregor, on his promotion, by the Adjutant- General.

Col. Limond, by Lieut.-Gen. Bell. Commander J. Maynard, R.N., by Lord Melville. Commanders A. Drew, S. B. Smith, C. Inglis, Philip Graham, Thomas Cowan, Alex. Shairp, and Proby, by Viscount Melville. Col. Daubeney, on promotion. Col. Vernon Graham, on his promotion, by Gm. Lord Hill.

Col. Goldfinch, on promotion, by Lord Hill. Commander Gape, on his appointment. Commander Broke, by his father, Rear Admiral Sir Philip Broke, Bart. K.C.B.

Commander John Chamberlayne, on his promo- tion,by Adm. Sir Charles Hamilton, Bart. Commander Edw. Hawes on promotion and re- turn from the Mediterranean, by Lord Melville. Commander C. Belcher, on his appointment to his Majesty's Ship Htna, by Viscount Melville. Major Conolly, Royal Marines, by Major-General Campbell. Captain Edward Purcell, R.N., on his promotion, by Lord Melville.

Capt. Skipsey, R.N., on his appointment as Col. of Marines, by Lord Melville.

Capt. Coghlan, C.B., R.N., on hLs return from ser- vice, by Vis. Melville. CommanderW. Richardson,byCapt. Vineent,R.N. ConunanderJ. Barren, R.N , by Vice-Adm. Foote. Commander Henry Downes, on his promotion, by Lord Melville. Commander Appleby, en his promotion, by Vis. Commander Stuart Brisbane, by the Marquis of Winchester. Capt. Menzies, Royal Marine Artillery, by Major- lien. Campbell. Capt. Wm. Mayne, 99th Regiment, by his father, Col. Mayne.

Capt. J. liumby, Royal Marines, by Col. Savage. Commander R, Douglas. 1..N., by Lord Melville. Capt. Andrew :Ong, R.N., by Rear-Admiral Sir T Hardy, K.C.B

Capt. Ethiard Boxer, R.N., by Sir C. Ogle, Hart. Capt. T. G. C. Riley, by Lieut.-Gen. Callender. Commander John Hervey Boteler, on his promo- tion, by 7.ord Melville.

Commander tilascock, on his appointment to his Majesty's ship Orestes, by VA. Melville. Capt. Cureton, 16th Lancers, by Col. Murray. Comma. Bullock, R.N. on his appointtnent to the Survey of the River Thames. by Lord Melville. Capt. er, on promotion and mien, from service, by Vsee.Admital Sir G. Cockburn. Capt..i. Toni kinson, by Lord Mel ville. Capt. 11 ugh l'igot, by Sir Henry Blackwood. 111.1t1 h elc.I.b1V:7.tiort11,{lotybeir.to Lord 11 1. I I.

Maj.-1 :en. rslactionald, on being appointed Adj.. Gen.. by Lord Hill.

Mai. Gen. the ltt. Hon. Sir Henry Hardinge, on his prosnotion.

Maj.-Gen. Macdonell, on promotion.

Cain. I 'sber, on his appointment as Equerry to his Capt. H. A. Eliot, on promotion, by- the Earl of

Abet dim, Lieut.. I :mt. Hoed, by Lord Hill. Capt. W. liochlord, by Viscount Melville. Lieut. II. S. Brown, by Sir Herbert Taylor. Capt. Wm..fones, by Lord Melville.

Capt. Couch, by Vice-Ad. the lion. Sir H Hotham.

Capt. Verstivertne, by' Lieut.-lien. Sir Wm. Keir Grant.

Capt. Ward, on promotion. Capt. Edgell, by Admiral Sir C. H. Pole. Capt. Wynne, by the Lord in Waiting.

Culavveaphote. or his promotion, by Vis.

Capt. lientinhorne, by Viscount Melville. Lieut. Skinner, by Lord E Somerset. Lieut. C. 11..loy on h Is appointment to the Admi- ralty Telegraph, by Viscount NIelviile. Lieut. l'attouss, by Colonel Sas;.gc.

Lieut. s. Fraser, by Maj. Gen. Campbell. Lieut. Robert Otway, by Admiral Sir. 3. Berea-

toed, Cart.

Timm H. Crawford, ler Sir A. Barnard. Liar. Fidler. by Lord Viscount Melville. Lieut. Carr. by Colossal Savage.

Lieut leoree-Constable, by-Lieut..Gen. Sir iVia.

heir Grant.

Lieut. Fleseher, by Melvine. Lieut. Neillsam, by I. kot.-litn. Lord E. Somerset.

Lieut. IL Janes, by' Vi,00nt NI..lvill, Lieut. Peas, by the Marquis of I.: anricarde.

Lieut. l'itilips I.; Maj.-Gen. Campbell.

Lieut. WM P. third, by Capt F. G. Bond. Last. Iturrough, by Copt. Sir T. Fellowes. Lieut. W. Tinker, by Admiral Sir Richard

Keats, K.C.B.

tient. W. IL IL Carew, by Lord Wynford. Lieut I laig. by Vice-Admiral sir C. Ogle. Lieut. La sie, by Lord Melville.

Lieut. Hewett, -by Maj.-Gen. Campbell. Lieut. A. F. I). Brown, by Maj.-Gen. Campbell.

Liens. Wood, by Colonel savage. Lieut. Thomson, by Maj.-Gen. Campbell. Lieut. Wakefield, by the Marquis of Sligo.

Liam Berner, by Rear Ad. sir 1'. Broke, Bart- Lien t. l'oppinger, by Colonel Savage.

Lieut. F. ves, by alaj.- Gen. Sir C. Doyle. Lieut. A sl.oss, liv Colonel 0. Many, C.B. 1.ieut..t. Brooking, by the Duke of ltuccleugh. Lieut. Ii C. 111 Word, by Ma] .Gen. Campbell:

Lieut. Fegen, by Colonel 1.1,Cieverty.

Lieut. A.Inure by Maj.-Gen Campbell.

Lita.lti..k- .;-trkbu, er,lez, by the Right Hon- Admiral Sir


Li. ut. 13. Drown, by Vice-Admiral the Hon. Sir 11.11otham.

Lieut. W. Robson, on his promotion, by the Right

Bon. Viscount :Melville.

Camcorder Samuel Hideout, on his promotion, by

Vis. Melville. Can.:rani, James, by the Hon. Sir /1. Blacksiood. Command., George flolbech on his promotion, by Vis. 5: &vine.

Col. Reeve, on promotion, by the Earl of Fife. Col. Aitchison, by Sir Charles Forbes, Bt. Col. Mayne, by the Lord in Waiting. Major Baker, by Sir Willoughby Gordon. Maj. Archer on l» spromotion, by 'Cis. Cornbermere, Mayor Owen, by Maj.-Gen. Campbell.

Capt. Sir. Christopher Cole, on being appointed

Col. of Marines, by Lord Melville.

Capt. Rowland Mainwaring, on his promotion by

Lord Melville.

Major Nicholson, by Maj.-Gen. Campbell. Captains Thorne, Daniel Prism, Edward Collier, Herbert itrace Powell, Aylmer, Pesting, Oldham, Heron, Iluskisson, Stunt, Francis thortolphiu Bond, John Mardian, William Elliott, Loring, Francis Mason, Richard Spencer, Falcon, Pell, R.N., by Vis. Melville.

Major Jones, by the Nord in Waiting. Captain 11,1 arkliam. by Vis. Fincastle. Captain Ives Sutton, on promotion, by Rear-Ad. Sutton Captain Purebas, by the Marquisof Graham. Captain Woodrile by Sir 0. Cockburn. Captain Markland, by Sir Henry Hotham, on hitt' appointment to his Majesty's ship. Craton.

Captain Thomas Brown, by Vice-Admiral the Hon.

sir Henry Hotham.

Col. Cara ,c, on h spromotion, by Vis.Combermerer

Lieut.-Gen. Buller. by the Lord in Waiting. Mr. Edmund F. Moore, by SIr. Moore. Sir. Vernon Smith, by the Eerier Errol.

Gen. the Hon C. Fitzroy. by the Lord in Waiting. Mr. Verner, on its return from Ceylon.

AIL BIddulph, by the Duke of Norfolk. Sir. Brooke Greville, by the Earl of Errol. Mr. William T. Hamilton, by Lord Aberdeen. SIr. Landreth, by the Duke of (Jordan

Mr. B. C. Brodie, on being appointed Surgeon

Extraordinary to his Majesty.

Mr. Cho,ineley Bering, by Lord qcelmersdale.

Lieut.-Gen. Cenci, at his promotion. Mr. Ester, Chief' Justice of Bermuda, by Six George urray. •

Mraieenr.ge Augustus Craven, by the Lord Chain- bMr. Conyers, by Earl Highly. Major-Gen. Stephenson, on his promotion in the

Hanoverian Service, by Count Munster.

Maj.-lien. Lord Greenocke, by Earl C.sthcart, Mr. William Craufuni, Deputy-Paymaster-General

of his Majesty's Forces on forever service. Major-Gen. Vinicombe, on his promotion. Maj.-Gen. Hawkins,ad Ouants,on his proMotion,l4 Col. Keefe. Maj.-Gen. Sir John Cameron, by Gen. Lord Mr. Marsack, by the Lord in Waiting.

Maj.-Gen H. W. Gordon. on his promotion and

return from Halifax, by Lord E. Somerset.

Mr. It. J. M . Boucketfo, from Canada, by Maj.+

Gen. Macdonell.

Mr. Richard Penn, by Sir R. Peel.

Mr. Laurence Peel, by Sir R. Peel.

Commander Barton, by Lord Melville. Commander J. W. Pritchard, by Vis. Melville. Commander William Hird, by Vice-Admiral We

Hon. Sir Henry Hotham.

Commander D. Boss, by Captain Vincent. Commander Vrowse,on hioreturn from service its

the Mediterranean, by Lord Melville. Lieut -Gen Mundy, on his promotion. Captain Mundy. Queen's Noyes; by his lather,

Mundy, On his return from India. Commander Rodney Mundy; by hisfather, Gen. Moody' Colonel Johns by-air-John-Doyle,

Captain Hervey, by Sir A. P. Barnard,

Captain Bannor, by Col. Wynyard. Capt. Whiting; by Col. Savage.

Capt. Drinkwater, on his promotion, by Col. Drink- water.

Captain 1'. J. Evans, by the Duke of Gordon.

Cart, A. M.Donatd, on his promotion, by Maj.- Gen. SirC. Doyle.

Corn. F. M. Bountee, on his return from the Coast of Africa, by Sir George Cockburn. Col. Stewart, by Lieut.-Gen. Sir l'hoines Dowser. Mr. Sneyd, by Colonel Howard. Rear-Ad. George Saver, C.B. on his promotion. Mr. Tegart, by the Earl of Itoadyn Mr. flesketh, his Majesty's Consul at Marenham, by the Earl of Aberdeen. Rear-Admiral William Parker, on Iris promotion, by Vis. Melville. Vice-Ad. Sir George Eyre, on his promolion. Admiral Lord Gambier on his promotion. Lieut.-Col. Murray, on his return from ladle, by

Lord Clinton.

Viee.Adm. lion. Sir H. Hotham, onliis promotion. Lieut.-Col. Lord Charles Fitzroy, on his return fmtn the Ionian /shoals.

Mr. Manville, by Mr. Pole Carew.

Mr. Thomason. by Sir Robert Peel.

Mr. Smith, Secretary to the Navy Board, by Lord Melville.

Mr. de Burgh. by Col. Fitaclarence. Mr. John Monckton, by the Earl of KiimorT. Col. A. Maclaine, on prienot Ion, by Lord I ill.. Lieut.-Col. Lord II. Leoobx,v b the Uu ko O f t lrottlon. Col. Grey, on his promotion by Lied !to -tyn. Lieut.-Cul. Sir J. Eraa,r, by the Lord i i Waltieg. Lieut.-Col.Jackson, bs lord Lieut.-Col. Howard Vy,e, by the Duke of Riteting- ham.

Lieut.-Col. Lewis, by the Lient.•General of the Ordnance.

Lieut.-Col. Fremantle, on being appointed Aid- de-Comp to the King. Lieut.-Gem Boucle:nu, Surveyor-General of T.ewer Canada, by Sir Crorge 3lurray.

Rear Admiral While, on his promotion, by hued Melville.

Mr. Freeman Eliot, by the Earl of Errol.

Mr. Abbott, Secretory to his 31 oje,ty',, Darby of Cornwall, by the afasq u is of Ilentiml.

Mr. Bell, one of his aLklesty's Cvvrncl, by the Lord


Mr. Hart Sitwell. by Lord James O'Brien.

R. F. Grosso. Esq. 1ev t1 ajesty's Gentleman Mu, binger, by Viscount Mereti,rd.

Mr. Broadhead, be Lotr; Clinton.

Mr. Earle, on his appointment as Surgeon F atone?.

dinary to the King, by Sir 11. lialfted. Vice-Admiral Sir !tem). Bayntum, on promation, by Viscount Mel villa.

Carter, I,: Royals, on his return from

the East Indies, by the hobo oftionion. RearAdto. King, by Ad In Lord A. Bentelork. IJr. Codringtun, by his father, Sir Dethell Cod-

rington, Bart. Rear-Admiral Sir It abort Laurie, on his promotion, by Viscount Melville Mr. Walter. by Sir. Charles Pandas.

Rear-Admiral Broughton, on his promotion, by Vice-Adtniral Winthrop.

Mr. Robert Gill, by Lord Burghersh.

Mr. Pepys, one or his Majesty's Counsel, by the Lord Chancellor.

Rear-Admiral Tomlinson, on his promotion, by Viscount Melville.

Vice, Admiral Gifford, on promotion. Mr. Ducane, by the Earl of Essex.

Mr. Gosling, by' the Marquis of Winchester. Vice-Admiral -Loci, on promotion, by the Duke of Buckingham.

Rear-Admiral Horton, on his promotion, by Lord Melville.

Rear-Admiral T. Durdas, on being promoted. to Rear-Admiral of the Bed, by Lord Vis. ItI, 'vine. Rear-Admiral Otornamiey, un his promoti.m, by ,-Viscount

Adonral Sir C. Hamilton, by Lord James O'Brien, - on promotion.

Rear-Admiral G. Porker, on promotion, by Lard Melville.

Mr. A. Drummond, by the Duke of Hamilton. Rear-Admiral Markman, on his prom.otion, by Viscount Melville.

Lieut: Gen. Sir H. Fare, Surveyor. General of the Ordnance. by the Lord in Waiting.

Maj.-Gen. Ellice, on promotion, by Earl itosslyn. Maj.-Gen. Clitherow, on promotion, by the Lord in Waiting.

Gen. Sir H. 1Varcle' K.C.B. on his pronna General the Earl of Cork, by Lord Clinton. Mr. G. L. Taylor. Architect to the Nasal Depart-

ment, by Lord Melville,

Maj.-Gen. Sir L. Ocway, by the Lord in Waiting. Mr. Jones. by the Lord iti Waiting. Lieut.-Gen. Moore, on promotion. 31daj,Gen. Clifton, oil his promotion, by Lord Clinton.

Lieut.-Gen. Sir R. Diboll, on his restoration and promotion, by Lord Hill.

General Dyott, on promotion.

Rear-Admiral Sir (imitate Hamond, on promotion. Mr. Andrews, by Sir IL Ira:I-Ord.

Mr. Phillips, on his bring re-appointed Surgeon to his Majesty's Household, by Sir H. Ha ford, Mr. R. Abercrombie, by the Earl of Aberrbten. Mr. R. Benson, as Deputy Recorder of Salisbury, by Lord Palmerston.

Mr. R. Keate, on appointment as Surgeon Extra- ordinay to the King. Mr. D. Gurney, by the Earl of Errol.

Mr. J. 0. Cole. by Sir Christopher Cole. Lieut.-Col. Fairfax, by Majur•General Sir A. Bar- nard, K.C.B. Vice-Admiral Poyntr, by Lord Melville. Mr. Barrington, by the Bari of Roscommon. Mr. Murray, by Sir George Murray. Col. Sir Adolphus Dalrymple, on his appointment as Aid-del:amp to his Majesty, by Lord Hill. Vice-Admiral Sir W. Hotham on his promotion. 117. W. Took, Treasurer of the Society for super- aeding the Use of Climbing Boys, on receiving hisMajesty's gracious consent to be the Patron of that Society. Vice•Admiral Patterson, on his promotion. Vice-Admiral Sir R. Lee, on ins promotion, by Lord Melville.

lieutaCol. Buchanan, Commanding Royal F.n- gineers at Chatham, by Admiral the lion. Sir H. lllackwood, Bart. Lieut.-Col. Fanshawe, Royal Engineers, by CoL Jones.

Col. Kenai, on his promotion by the Adj.-Gen. Col. Wynyard, Aid-de-Camp to the King, by Lord Hill.

Lieut.-Col. Lawrence, Royal Marines, by A dmiral Sir Wm. Sidney Smith.

lieut.-Cot Kennedy Clark, 7th Dragoon Guards, on his promotion, by al rjor. General NVheatley. Lieut,-Col. Hector alaclaine' by Lord Hill. Lieut.-Col. Beeville, by Col. . C. Broke Vera Lieut.-Col. Bentinck, by Major-Gen. MeDonell. Lieut.-Col. Thackwell, by Lieut.-Gen. Sir Craqu-

houn Grant.

Vice-Admiral Skins, on hispromotion, by the Hon. Sir Hotham.

Lieut. R. W. Afehenx, by Maj. Gen. Campbell. Lieut.-Col. Clapperton. by Col. Savage.

Mr. N. Bland, by Maj.-Gen. Broth/law.

Capt. Motley, R.N., by the Lordin Waiting. Capt. Gordon Bremer, R.N., by Vis. Melrille. Captain Hoste, R.N., on his promotion, by Sir Georgelloste.

CaptaM Rail, 15th King's Hussars, by the Marquis

Cfpt.Sitacis James Lewis, R.N., by Rear-Ad. Canipbell, on his promotion. CaaPt• George William Henry Knight, R.N. by

VIce.Ad. the Hon Sir H. Hotham, K.C.B- COM. Edward Tfainwaring. by Rear-Ad. Bruce. OM, George Young, by Lord Melville.

Corn. Dilkie, by Earl Howe, Major Blshopp, by the Earl of Shrewsbury. Cons. (Jostling, MN., on his return from service, by Sir Charles Ogle, Bart. N ajor Cole, Royal Marines, by Col. Savage. - Com. W. Price Hamilton, R.N., by the Marquis of Camden.

Major kV. H. Eden, Oath regiment, by Lieut.-Col. Sir George llosto,C,B.

Maj. Diggle. of the Royal Military College, by Sir Georg.- Sy oven. Com. -Fr 1111 ,:ell. by Lord Melville.

Major Wells, Royal Engineers, by Lord Edward Somerset.

Major Parse, royal Marine, Artillery, on his loo- t-am:0,, Major-C va. C::;111,1)011. Mr. Bot•ber Boatimoet. by Earl I-errors.

Mr. John Lunell, by the Dot oe Beaufort. Mr. Burnett, by the Sir Sergeant Ledbor. by the Duke of Beaufort. Alderman W. iliJIbce, of Bristoi, by the Duke of Beaufort.

Mr. Walter, High Sheriff of Berkshire ; Captain Philip Brown, I; .N ; Mr. Charles numbs. Mr, Palmer, Capt. .r. For!....., It. V. ; Deputy Lieu- tenant ami di rr:- rate k,hire, with an Ad-

dm., front the

The Mayor of Bristol Damon, ''Jr. Alder- mn A. II intett•,-, 'I r. P:•rgeant Ludlow, Mr. liegh Dew con. S' r. Jee.•,o1...15 Orborne, Mr. Join, 'Jr. Brie In , 0. Jai an Address front the r C. is ,•n r... VI: • • Pre t Mr. Thomas, and

Mr. ../dilsess from the Royal

Sir G. Tug NIL w:th the A dares.; of the Royal Col-

Loni with an A ildressfrom the Mayor

mot :.iraoraron of er. part. Rn,,,ot. eitne ,"4ress from the Society of Adyeco :es In A berileen.

Mr. A l,kontit with the Cambridge

r. Pobner, with an Address from the Bank of England.

rpeol, with an AddreEs from the town of haloes.

in H osb nal. Magistrate of Devonport, w , r, Robert It undle and .Ir. Richard Rodd, ii iI, an A. dares, from the inhabitants.

Mr. I; net,. late M.P. for Arbroath, with an Ad. the :Magistrates and Council for .Ar- ronb.

Sir A Ittbony Carlisle, Mr. Donald Currie, Mr. .1. Priegie, and Bel her Beaumont, with an A dress of Ti tF from the inhabitants or Re.

Mt- •7;ir1,1, Ma- tor in Chancery, by the Lord

by the Duke of Norfolk. Mr. Pitt, bySi.1. been.

I, ieut orsford, by Lord James O'Brien. 11111, it.N., on his promotion, by °ti ldnt Melville. arr. :Macdona, ofCiamonald, by Lord Glenlyon. V He-,oral Harms, on his promotion, by Lord tiotnbier.

Mr. Jolla Spalding, 5th Lancers, by the Earl of Rosslan.

P. ear -A-the iral Sut ton. by Vis. Melville.

Mr. Fuller, by the Lord in Waiting.

chrhtoeher Richard Nugent, his Majesty's Consul-General in Chili, by the Earl of A berdeen. Mr. Simpson, Surgeon to his Royal Highness the Doke Cambridge, by Sir ff. Belford, Bart. Vice-Admiral Sir Joint Talbot, on his promotion, by the Duke of Rockingham.

Rear-Admiral Haling, on his promotion, by Lord

al elynla.

Mr. John Itermic. ait von,' 4oting Sheerness Naval Works, by lona Meivilht. Mr. George Bosacquet, late Charge d'Affaires at aladrid, an his relent from that Court, by the Ear/ of .f Isardeen.

Mr. Fowler hurler, by Sir Andrew Barnard. Mr. is ic.ralo, of the County of Glen- , -t.w. I . Doke of Beaufort. Rea: .s•-;11.. Tbuto:,,un, on his promotion, by Lord Is:toy:He.

Rear-A,Mazal Sir Thomas Williams, on his pro. mut:or, i.;• hi, Isoyal DighoesstbeDnkeofSussea. Admiral Tavlor, by Vis. Melville.

Bear. Adeti I W.oren, on his promotion.

Rear-A elmral Harvey, C.B. on his promotion; by Lord Viet: Admiral Fellowes, on his promotion, by Sir Ilenr3 It °thorn.

Rear-Admiral Sir J. Brenton, on his promotion. Adm. Perrier. on hi: promotion, by Lord Melville. Mr. Sanctuary, High Sheriff of Susses, by Sir R.

Vice Admiral Eyles, on his promotion, by Lord r. Cu tone, by the Earl of Essex. d iral Murray, by the Lord in Waiting. r. e, Nina e Ccurt,e1, by the Lurd Chan.

I.-ergo Brown on his return from service, by Vi•r•C-Allniiral Sir Charles Ogle, Bart. Lions. 1Yelehe, by Sir Charles Ogle, Bart. Lieut. by Vire-Admiral Voyntx.

Lion. Eda. II, on Ins promotion, by Sir Chicle Maurice Pole.

Lieut. Yareold, by Col. Savage. Lieut. Cater, by the Earl of Fife.

Li, ct. .lent., by commissioner Briggs. 1.1,,r E. L. Barney, on hisreturn tiomAfrica,by I. erd Meiviile.

Liour. E. 'Si. l'itt, by Adm. Lord A. Beauclerk. Lieut. J. 17.I. Meer, en his :wont from the coast of Africa, by Vice-Adm. the Hon. :Ch.M. Hothatn. Copt. W. lienderso, t, by Lord Melville.

Capt. If. A. Eliot, on promotion, by the Earl of Aberdeen.

Capt. Carroll, on his return from the East Indies, by Vice Adm. Daeres.

Capt. It. Bennett, by the Duke of Gordon. Cart. J. Layton, n lire:notion, by Col. Savage. Capt. Morton' by Mr. Morton. Capt. Sir W.Heauchantp Proctor, by the Lord in Waiting.

Capt. Yates, by Vice-Admiral Winthrop. Capt. Henry Gossett, by Sir C. Thornborougb. Capt. Jones, on his return from India, by Capt. Fuller.

Capt. Ramsden, by the Marquis of Winchester. Capt. C. Dalrymple, by the Marquis of Ormonde. Commander C. Dent, by Vice-Admiral Fleming. Commander H. Lock, by the Duke of Buckingham. Capt. Smith, by Sir Sidney Smith.

Capt. St. John, by the Earl of Errol.

Capt. Sinclair, on promotion, by the Duke of Gordon

Capt. 11. Forbes, by Lora Yarborough. Capt. T. Loan Lewis, by the Lieut. Gen. of the Ordnance.

Commander Burney, on his promotion, and return front Foreign Service, by Vice-Aden. Winthrop. Commander G. Norton, by Lord Gtantiey. Command: 1. F. Blair, by Vice-Admiral Fleerning, Commander A. F. Gardiner, by Lord Melville. Capt. Bidwell Edwards, by the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Capt. Winbolt, by Lieut.-Gen. Bell. Capt. W. H. Barton, by Col. Savage.

Capt. Hugh rigid, by Sir Henry Blackwood, Bart. Capt. George I,'. Willes, by Admiral Sir J. Bren- ton, Bart. K.C.I3.

Admiral Sir 'rich. G. Keats, on promotion, by Lord Melon le.

Captain Widdringlon, by bis father, Lieut.-Gen. Sly

Capt. Charles Butler, on his appointment to his Majesty's yacht the Royal Sovereign. Captain Peyton, R.N., by Lord Melville.

Capt. Rainer, on his return from Egypt, by Lord Melville.

Capt. T. Moore, by Major-General Campbell. Capt-Chisholme Hodgson, by Lieut.-Gen.Hodgson.