31 JULY 1847, Page 12



The transactions of the week have been of a very unimportant character, and the fluctuation trifling. The tendency, however, has been upwards;. the closing quotations of today being about a quarter per cent above those of list week. Money has Weenie rather more in demand; and the rate of discount for short bills Easy be stated at 5* per cent. The premium of Exchequer Bills remains unchanged.

In the Foreign Market business has been less important, if possible, than in the English Funds. Some slight indication of improvement has occasionally been observable in Spanish Stock; and the conviction among parties interested in this description of security appears to to be pretty general, that a part at least of the Active Debt will sooner or later be converted into Three per Cents. The prospect seems for the present, however, indefinitely postponed; at least, such appears to be the fair inference from discussions at Madrid.

The settlement of the half-monthly account occurred today, and was only re- markable for the very small number of transactions to be adjusted. Money was not quite so much in demand as on the 15th instant, No change of importance is noticeable in the Raney Shares, the prices of which are generally the same as they were hot week. The question of dividend has not yet been decided upon any of the lines where ithas been considered doubtful; but its resolution cannot be long lelayed, as most of the half-yearly meetings of the lines in question must take place in a few days. The Shares of the French lines continue very much depressed, in consequence of heaviness in the Paris market. There 'seems no dis- position to speculation in them, and the decline in price has not had the usual effect of inducing purchases. SATURDAY, TWELVE o'oaoca.

The Bank Accounts for the week ending the 24th instant indicate a decline in lmost every item; the only exceptions being those of the rest, the unemployed notes, and seven-day and other bills: the rest has increased 9,3241.; the unem- ployed notes, 147,8101.; and the seven-day and other bills, 16,885/ The items of decrease are as follows: public deposits, 56,3371.; other deposits, 313,9021.; secu- rities (not public), 457,1321.; notes issued, 119,7251. While the decrease in the aggregate amount of bullion is 148,5031.; the total quantity in store in both departments this week being 9,770,3471., against 9,918,8501. in the last return. The business of the morning is quite unimportant, the prices of the English and Foreign Funds being the same as yesterday. The transactions in Railway Shares have been limited to the following: Caledonian, 34; Midland, 126; Ditto, 401. Shares, 471; Ditto, 501. Shares' 91; Newcastle and Berwick, New, 94; North Staffordshire 10i 1 ; East Sol West Riding Extension, 27. SATURDAY, Two o'ciocx.

The English Funds are unchanged; and the business of the morning has been quite trifling. In the Foreign Market, transactions have occurred in the following Stocks; Buenos Ayres, 381; Chilian, 92; Danish, 87; Ecuador, 31; New Grenada, 20; Mexican, 19; Spanish Active, 22; Belgian Four-and-a-11h' per Cents, 94; Dutch Two-and-a-half, 57*; Ditto, Four per Cents Certificates, 91. Of these quotations the only one indicating any variation is that of Spanish Active Stock, which marks a trifling improvement. The Railway Share Market may be con- sidered firmer; and some of the following quotations of business actually, occur- ring mark a slight advance in price. Caledonian, 34; Eastern Counties, 20; East Lancashire, 19; Ditto, Fifths, 20; London and Blackwell, 6; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 54i * a; London and North-western, 176 5 6; Lon- don and South-western, 671; Midland, 126 a; Newcastle and Berwick, 284; Norfolk, 125; North Staffordshire, loi i; Ditto, East and West Riding Extension, 27; Boulogne and Amiens, 14 1; Etust Indian, *; Luxembourg, 1*; Rouen and Havre, 25*.

3 per Cent Console 8111 I Danish 3 per Cents 86 8 Ditto for Account 88/ 9 Dutch 51 per Cents 57 1 3 per Cent Reduced 89 1 Ditto 4 per Cents. 20 f

31 per Cents 201 1 alexictui 5 per Cents 1846• • • 19 1

Long Annuities 9 1-16 1 New Grenada 19 20 Ba ak Stock 196 8 Ditto 4 per Cents 1845 301 ta

1E' Mequer Bills 8 15 pm. Peruvtan 35 7

la dia Stock Rusgan 5 per Cents III 113 Brazilian 5 per Cents 83 5 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 211 22 Belgian 41 per Cents 94 5 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 31 1 Buenos Ayres 6 per Cent.... 37 9 : Venezuela 38 40 Chillan 6 per Cents 91 3