31 JULY 1897, Page 14



[To THE EDITOR OF THS " SPECTATOE."] SIR,—In a letter which appeared in the Spectator of June 19th, under the heading "The Undergraduates and Newnham College," I stated that on May 21st, at about midnight, a party of men belonging to a neighbouring College broke several windows at Newnham, and that an egg was thrown into one of the rooms. These statements have been challenged by the Master of the College indicated, and I have therefore made further inquiries. As the result of these, I now desire to withdraw unreservedly the part of my statements relating to this particular College, and to express my regret for having made it, since I find that the assailants were associated with

this College on insufficient evidence. The more complete accounts I have now received differ in a few details from the brief summary of events furnished me at first. The window-breaking took place at about 10 p.m. instead of at midnight, the missiles used being fireworks, and several panes, belonging to two different windows, were broken. The egg was thrown at about 9 p.m.; it did not actually enter the room, but hit the window, which opens outwards, and was then open. Three of the points just mentioned —viz., the time at which the windows were broken, the number of windows broken, and the kind of missile used— are given on the authority of the Master above referred to, as the result of some independent inquiries of his own. The account of the egg was provided by the lady occupying the room in question.—I am, Sir, &c., AN ONLOOKER.