31 MARCH 1838, Page 11


WAR-OFFICE, March 30.-1st Dragoon Guanls—Sergeant Major J.Misset lobe Quinn- termaster, vice Brown, who retires upon half. pay. 4th Dragoon Guards—A. Rolls, t ; cot. to Cornet, by porellase, vice Vokes, who retires. 3.1 Light Dragoons— Assist.- Suing A. Wood. M.D. from the Ilth Light Drags. to be Assist. Sorg. 4th Light Drags. —G. Symonds, I:ent. to be Cornet, his purchase, vier l'rensh, whit retires. 501 Foot-- Lieut. F. It. Pytter lo be Adjt. 'VI .1. Mlium, dec. 19111 Foot—Lieut. T. Hilton to be Capt. by purchase, s ice Chamber., a leo retires ; Ensign .1. T. Itowdoin to be 1.ieut. by purchase, vice Hilton; J. Item, Gent. to be Ensign, by 'tomtits... vice Ilowdoin. 234 Foot —Assist..Stirg..1. Connell, late of the al Light Drags. to be Assist-Sorg. 25111 Foot —Ensign II. Gough to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Ethelston, who retires; II. It Cost, Gent. to he Ensign, by piirehrtse, vice. Gough ; .1. Ogilvy, Gtmt, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice J. A. Ogilvy. who retires. 26th Foot —Major Gen. sir J. colborise, 6.c.13. from the 9411, Foot, to be Col. vice Geu. the Earl of Dalhousie, G.C.B. ,tee. Slot Font—Limit. Gen. Sir C. Milken, K.C.11. front the 71st Foot, to be Col. vice Lieut.-Gen. Sir E. Barnes, G.C.II. deceased. 36th Foot—R. C. Bruce, Gent, to be Ensign. by purchase, vice Mollos , who retires. 424 Foot—Lieut. 0. It. Cumberland to Capt. by purchase. skis Garthshore, who retires; Ensign C. Murray to be Lieut, by purchase, vice Cumberland ; J. Grant. Gent. to he Ensign, by purchase, vice Murray. 6711m Foot —Lieut. P. Mittman lobe Captaiu wit hoot purchase, vice Carruthers, dec.; Ensign Wihhism Pilsworth to be Lieutenant, vice Brannan ; Gentleman Cadet John I.. Campbell, from the ltoyal Militaly College, to be Ensign, sire Pilsworth. 69th Foot—Ensign T. J. Kearuey to be Ailjittant. vice Mundell, who resigns the Ad. jittancy only. 71st Foot—Alaj,,r Gen. Sir S. F. Whittingliam, K.C.B. to be Col. vice Lient..Gen. Sir C. lialkett, appointed to the command of the 31st Foot ; CC. H. Grant, Gent. to be Assist.-Sorg. 9Ith Foot —Major.Gen. Sir T. MNahon, Bart. K.C.11 ,to be Col., vice Major-lien. Sir J. Construe, appointed to the command or the 26th Foot.

Illospital Staff—G. A. Cowper, M.D. to be Assist:Sorg. to the Forces, vice ilawthor IL deceased.

Commissa i at —C. anmism ri at Clerk J. 5. 1..' I. leer,. to Depot y A ssist :Commissary-

Gen. ; Clerk W. F. Mends to ue Depot:. Assist:C. anntissary 'Gen. hlemorantht --J. Connell, latel) linvisedell as Assist:Sorg. in the 3(.1 Light Drage

has been reinstated in his rank. The name of the Ensign !appointed to the 47th Foot on the 24th of March 1838, is R. J. Elrington, and not R. J. Ebrington, as stated in the Gazette of the 23c1 inst. The commission of the undermentioned officer has been cancelled from the 1st of April 1838, inclusive, he having accepted a com- muted allosance for Ilis half-pay —Lieut. O. M. C. Bowen, half.pay 39th Foot.—Her Majesty has been graciously pleased to permit the 2d, or Royal North British Regt. of Drags. 'which already has the badge of an Eagle upon its buttons, in commemora. tion of its having captured a French Eagle at the bottle of Waterloo, on the 18th of June 1815, to bear that distinction upon its standards.