31 MARCH 1838, Page 7

The Bishop of Chichester was thrown from a spirited horse

in the Strand on Monday afternoon; and was carried to King's College, severely but not dangerously hurt. The Bishop was riding rapidly, and his quadruped shied at a cart.

On Monday evening, a daring robbery was committed on the person of the Reverend Felix Norton re6ifiltig at Chelsea, who was retuning from Faddington to Chelsea, through Hyde Park. About the middle of the Park, he was met hy three foot soldiers, npparently belonging to the Guards, who pretended to be intoxicated: one of them run against Mr. Norton with such violence as to knock him down ; then the other two fell over him, at the same time rifling his watch-pocket of his gold watch and seals, with which they effected their escape. From the darkness of the evening, Mr. Norton could not tell to what regiment they belonged.

Thomas Hemp, a servant of the Duke of Northumberland, cut his throat last week, because "he bad had words with the dairymatid." A Coroner's Jury, on Saturday, found a verdict of "Temporary de- rangement."

On Sunday night, jewels and other property to a large amount were stolen from the residence of Count Pozzo di Borgo.