31 MARCH 1838, Page 8

Cbe Country.

At the Devizes election, on Monday, Captain Deans Dundas was returned by a majority of 109 to 102 over his Tory opponent, Mr. Heneage. In addition to the votes polled, 58 were tendered for Hene. age, and 40 for Dundee; which if added to the poll, would give Mr. lieneage a majority of 11; and that gentleman accordingly intends to petition against the return of Captain Dundas. The Chronicle calls the election of Dundee a "great triumph : " it is nothing to boast of. In 1833, Captain Dundee polled 145 votes, and his number has fallen to 109; the Tory candidate, Mr. Estcourt, had 157 votes, Mr. Heneage now only 101 The decline indicates indifference as to the result on the part of the electors.

The Tory candidates succeeded at Maidstone and Sudbury. The Maidstone Liberals obtained a promise from Mr. Roberts to serve if elected; but that gentleman refused to canvass, or incur expense. There are some independent voters belonging to both parties, Li- beral and Tory, in Maidstone ; but the bribable portion of the consti- tuency can turn the scale; and as Mr. Roberts refused to spend money, he had no chance of success. The closing numbers were—

Fur Mr. J. A. Fester 7on

Mr. Roberts 381

At Sudbury, the contest was much closer. Mr. Bagshaw, who re- presented the borough on the Liberal interest in the last Parliament, opposed Sir John Wal-h. At the close of the poll, there were--

For Walsh 293

Bagshaw 267 These elections have made no difference in the strength of parties in fie House of Commons.