31 MARCH 1849, Page 20


Tuesday, March 27.


Riley and Stott, Manchester, bookbinders-Whitaker and Sons, Halifax, Ironfounders -Cannon and Browne, Cambridge, soliciters-DPGeorge and Rose. St. John's Street Road, drapers-Miskin and White, Water Lane, ship-brokers-Lewis and Co. Brighton, Umber-merchants-Taylor and Aylmer, Manchester, commission-agents-Walker and Holmes, Keighley, worsted-manufacturers- Usberne and Diekeson, Dover, grocers.- Greaves, Brothers, St. John Street, tea-dealers-Brown and Co. London, and Brown and Co. Leeds, bankers; as far as regards E. Whitmore-liousley and Co. Port Si. Mary's, Spain-Vigors, Bristol, schoolmistresses; as far as regards Matilda Vigor-Tee and Shapland, Barnstaple, tea-dealers-White and Co. Watling Street; as far as re- gards S. Greenwell-W bite and Greenwell, Cheapside; as far as regards S. Greenwell -White and Co. Blaekfriars Road ; as far as regards W. White-Fry and Co. Cheap- side, solicitors-Gardner and Cordner, Stanhope-in-Weardale, Durham, quarrymen- Welton and Co. Rotherhithe, timber-merchants-Graves and Co. and Cr-yes and Son, Ironmonger Lane, woollen-warehousemen-Broughton and Noakes, Feneuurch Street button-manufacturers-Tyeth and Luscombe, Plymouth, stock-brokers-Sanderson and Thompson, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, grocers-Staunton and Co. Great St. Helen's, ear chants. BANFJETPTS. BANNISTER, EDWIN, Hill Redwire, Staffordshire, harness-maker, to surrender April 10, Slay 8: solicitor, Mr. Crabb, itugeley ; official assignee, Mr. Christie, Birmingham BASEERVILLE, JOHN, Ludlow, linendraper, April 10, May I: solicitors, Mr. Jonah Sise Lane; Messrs. Motteram and Co. Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Vallsb Birmingham. CALLANDER, ALEXANDER T.SURN, Mincing Lane, corn-factor, April 10, May IS: solici- tors, Messrs. Marten and Co Commercial Sale Rooms, Mincing Lane, oflIeiS.l assignee, Mr. Edwards, Frederick's Place. COOPER, JAMES, Newcastle-under-Lyme, smailware-dealer, April 4, May 1: soficitOr, Mr. Harding. Newcastle-Under-Lyme; official assignee, Mr. Vaipy, Birmingham. Cuans, Jens EDMUNDS, Newport Pestle% printer, April 11, May a: BORCHDr. Taylor, Bucklersbary ; official assignee, Mr. SIII0Sfed. DUNE, HENRI; Chatham, timber-merehant, April 10, May 15: solicitor, Mr. NI- cholla, Cook's-Court ; official assignee, Mr. Edwards; Frederick's Place. FORRESTER, JOSEPH, Whitehaven, mercer, April 13, May 15: solicitors, Mr. Stubbs, FurnivaPs inn; Air. Perry, Whitehaven ; Mr. IngledeW, Newcastle-upon-Tyne offi- cial assignee, Mr. Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Goes, RICHARD Jone, Sidney Street, Stepney. victualler, April 4, May 8: solleiter, Mr. Turner, Mount Street, R'hiteehapel ; official assignee, Mr. Stansfeld. MANDERS, THOMAS, High Row, Knightsbridge, victualler, April 5, May 10: solicitor, Mr. Dangerfleid, Chancery Lane; official assignee, Mr. Bell, Coleman Street Blinding,. NUNN, Taosres, Colchester, coal-merchant, April 2, May 14: solicitors, Mr. Buff Ely Place ; Mr. Abell, Colchester; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Guildhall Chars' hers.

REDINOTON, Jona, Moreton, Essex, miller, April 7, may 12: solicitor, Mr. Iiillearfr Fenchurch Street ; official assignee, Mr. Follett, Sambrook Court. REID, JAMES, Edgeware Road, draper, April 11, May 11: solicitors, Messrs. Reed and Co. Friday Street ; official assignee, Mr. Pennell. ROBERTS, ROBERT, Toxteth Park, grocer, April 10, 30: solicitors, Messrs elite'. and Co. Staple Inn ; Messrs. Morecroft and Son, Liverpool; official assignee, Cazenove, Liverpool.

Damn., and Co. o Braithwaite, woollen-manufacturers. April 13, May 18: Ansel], Keswick ; Mr. Benson, Cockermouth ; Mr. Dees, Newcastle-upon- metal assignee, Mr. Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. -WILLIAMS, HENRY, Park Place, Kennington Cross, ironmonger, April 7, May 12: soli- citors, Meant Wood and Fraser, Dean Street ; ofiicial assignee, Mr. Green. Guildhall B ben. DIVIDENDS. CSIn Apra 19, HoWitt, Strand, bookseller-Aprit 19. King Jun. Budge Row, tea-dealer- April 19, Bruce, Farringdon Street, printer-April 19, Jewesson, Great Winchester treet merchant-April 20, Wright, Poland Street, builder-April 20, Mottram, S nifty Street, warebouseman-April 20, Watts, Moreton-ln-Marsh, innkeeper-April

34, Caton, Stondon Massey, Essex, cattle-dealer-April 17, Hill, Charlton Place, Dungen, builder-April 17, Pallister, Gravesend, Innkeeper-April 19, Soar, Great igariborough Street, glass-cutter-April 19, Leman and Bryan, Old Swan Pier, Upper Thanes Street, whartingers-April IS. Cook sen. Birmingham, brass-founder- April 25, meg, Manchester, cotton-spinner-April 25, Wren, Preston. share-broker-April 24, Watson. Leeds, commission-agent-April 18, Knight, Wigan, Lancashire, butcher- April 19, Gartslde, Preston, draper.


02 be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.

April 18, Fuller, Charles Street, Hatton Garden, lamp-manufacturer-April 18, John- sen, West Drayton, farmer-April 19, Cawse, Claremont Terrace, Prince of Wales a gout Hampstead Road, builder-April 19, Barnett'and Hancock, Conduit Street, boot- makers-April 20, Spiking. Regent Street, builder-April 20, Tyson, Whltehaven, talider-Amil 23, Scott, Manchester, calico-printer-April 18, Smiles. Blackburn, bookseller-April 20, Dent, Leeds, chemist-April 24, Addison, Tipton, builder-April 24, Roden, Shiffnal, miller.

To be confirmed unless cause be shown to the contrary on or Wive April 1.

Taylor, Rocktield, Monmouthshire, miller-Eills, Wednesbury, builder-Lyon, Bir- Ann Lane, stock-broker-Taylor. Ledbury, draper-Price, Wolverhampton, printer- Bird, North Shields, llnendraper-Binmore, Lower Brook Street, coffee-housekeeper - 001t, Studley, Warwickshire, needle-manufacturer--Swan, Winchmore Hill, cattle. dealer-Jones, Beckford Row, Walworth, grocer-Hutchinson, Old Gravel Lane, sugar- refiner. DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS.

Ling, Norwich, brush-maker; -first div. of 4s. 4d. on Wednesday next, and three following Wednesdays ; Mr. Graham Coleman Street-Davis, Northampton, Inn- keeper; first div. of 7s. 3d. on Wednesday next, and three following Wednesdays ; Mr. Graham, Coleman Street-Day, Hilgay, Norfolk, brickmaker ; first elIv. of 4s. 3d. on Wednesday next, and three following Wednesdays ; Mr. Graham, Coleman Street- german, Philip Lane. London Wall, victualler-first div. of 601. on Wednesday next, sad three following Wednesdays ; Mr. Graham, Coleman Street-Maeoun, Bolton ; first (hr. of M. April 3, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Fraser, Manchester-Broudson. Wigan, iron-merchant ; first env. of 3s. April 3, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Fra- ser, Manchester-Beckett, Liverpool, ironmonger ; first div. of 44d. March 28, or any arbsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Morgan, Liverpool-Christian, Liverpool, shipsmith ; first dlr. of ls. 10d. March 28, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Morgan, Liverpool- Blain, Liverpool, corn-merchant ; second div. of Is. and the first div. of 3s. on new proofs. March 29, or any subsequent Thursday ; Mr. Cazenove, Liverpool-Atkins, Liverpool, brewer ; third div. of 24d. March 29, or any subsequent Thursday ; Mr. Cazenove, Liverpool-Mules jun. Hereford, grocer ; first city. of 24d. on any Friday ; Mr. Whitmore, Birmingham-Grosvenor, Stoke-upon-Trent, ironfounder; third div. of bid. on any Friday ; Mr. Whitmore, Birmingbrun-Hathaway, Clifford, Herefordshire, farmer; first div. of 24. 3d. on any Friday ; Mr. Whitmore, Binningharn-Whitmore and Co. Lombard Street, bankers ; sixth div. of 4d. and a seventh div. of Is. 2d. to creditors whose names commence with letters from A to 0, kla ch 29; from H to P, March 30; and from B to Z, March 31 ;and all creditors on any subsequent Thursday; Mr. Stansfeld, BasInghall Street-Peake and Hall, Lichfield, ironmongers ; second and final div. of 55. 7d. on any Thursday ; Mr. Yalpy, Birmingham.


Young, Glasgow, merchant, April 3, May I -31•Arthur, Greenock, woollen-draper, March 31, April 24-Dumnore, Millisle, Wigtown, shipowner, April 3, 24.

Friday, March 30.


Drake and Co. Bermondsey, and Cox and Co. Bristol, tanners ; as far as regards J. Drake-Irving and Co. Wigan, brewers-Martinez and Co. Mark Lane, wine-mer- chants; as far as regards S. G. Martinez-Hart and Page, Star Court, Bread Street, snuff-manufacturers-C. and W. Tregenna, Fowey, Cornwall, linendrapers- Bishop and White, Bradford, Yorkshire, wool-dealers-Briggs and Headford, klaidstone, hatters- Aitken and Atkinson, Manchester, joiners-Rothwell and Shorrocks. Manchester, sew- ing-cotton-manufacturers-Waddington and Co. Woodhouse Carr, Leeds, dyers-Ough- ton and Co. Manchester, Scotch merchants-Bridge and Co Water 31111, Newchurch, Lancashire, cotton-spinners-Elphee and Jackson, Maidstone, linendrapers-Smith and Dawson, Crescent Place, Blackfriars, vdne-merchants-W. and E. Fairhurst, Wigan, grocers-Pitchford and Co. Stratford, ;chemists- Moxon and Co. Sutton, Macclesfield, drapers-Gatty and Garth, solicitors-Mort and Dilworth. Newcastle-under-Lyne, booksellers-Shocibridge and Burden, Rolvelden, builders-Warren and Co. Batb, jewel- lers-tuff, and Co. Canterbury Row, Newington, surgeons-Read) and Gillespie, Fal-


RonnssoN, Itzwav CuARLEs, Brecknock Crescent, Camden Town, surgeon. BANKRUPTS.

BURT, EDwIN, Bristol, boot-manufacturer, to surrender April 12, May 10; solicitors, BOwket, Chancery Lane-; Mr. Are junior, Bristol ; official assignee, Hutton, Bristol.

CuArrsa, %Musts, Barton-upon-Humber, ironmonger, April 18, May 2 solicitors, Yr. Fiddey, Temple ; Mr. Fretson, Sheffield ; official assignee, Mr. Carrick, Hull.

Ceases-rm. Jons,,Trinity Square, steel-manufacturer, April 11, May 11 : solicitors, Messrs. Lawrence and Piens, Old Jewry Chambers ; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Guildhall Chambers.

CUSHING, CHARLES, NOFTVICh,- CffitTer, April 9, May 21 : solicitors, Mr. Storey, Featherstone Buildings; Messrs. TIllett and Co. Norwich ; official assignee, Mr. Gra- ham, Coleman Street.

Carron. WILLIAM, King's Norton, Worcestershire, timber-merchant, April 17, May 8 : solicitor, Mr. Harrison, Birmingham official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Birmingham.

GIRDLESTONE, Wittiest Botmon, Southampton, boarding-housekeeper, April 14, May I?: solicitors, Messrs. Treheni and White, Barge Yard Chambers, Bucklersbury ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basingluril Street LLOYD, WILLIAM, Madeley, Staffordshire, linendraper, April 11, May 2; solicitors, Mr. Jones, Sise Lane ; Messrs. Motteram and Co. Birmingham; official assignee, Mr. Christie, Birmingham.

BIPPON, CarruseaT, Stanhope, Durham, lime-burner, April 13, May 22; solicitors, Mr. -Rymer, Chancery Lane ; Messrs. Hail and Ridley, Neweastle-upon-Tyne; official assignee, Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

Smernizs, RICHARD. Chatgley, Lancashire, timber-dealer, April II, May 2: solicitors, Mr. Smith, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; Mr. Trappes, Clitheroe; Messrs. Atkinson and Co. Manchester ; official assignee, Mr. Fraser, Manchester.

Texan, HENRY Jsmzs, Newcastle Place, Clerkenwell Close, watchmaker, April 9, May i4: solicitor, Mr. Moss, Queen Street, Cheapside ; official assignee, Mr. Turqaaud, Guildhall Chambers.

WELTON, WILLIAM, Sunderland Wharf; Rotherhithe, timber-merchant, April 10, May 15: solicitor, Mr. Nixon, Warwick Court, Holborn; official assignee, Mr. Ed- wards, Frederick's Place.

WILLIAMS, ABEL, Iron Acton, Gloucestershire, victualler, April 12, May 10: solici- tors, Messrs. Trehem and White, Barge Yard Chambers ; Mr. Sabine, Bristol ; official assignee, Mr. Acraman, Bristol.

WILLIAMS, Jesus, St. George's Place, Back Road, St. George's East, tailor, April 9, May 21; solicitor, Mr. Wilde, Union Court, Old Broad Street; official assignee, Mr.

Graham, Coleman Street DIVIDENDS.

April 20, Morel, Langham Place, dentist-April 20, Turner, Newmarket, saddler- April 20, Fielder, Thavies Inn, lace-merchant-April 23, Orpwood, Bear Street, Lei- cester Square, coach-currier-April 23, Turner, Myddelton Street-painted-baize:manu- facturer-April 23, Carruthers, Speldhurst, distiller-April 24, Webb, Bury St. Ed- mund's, draper-April 24, Martin, Oxford, tailor-April 23, Esdalle, Manchester, hatter -April 20, Clayton, Preston, banker.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting. • April 21, Woolhouse, Windsor, timber-dealer-April 21, Swinburn, Ledbury Terrace, Notting 13111, builder-April 20, Bolt, Bristol, share-broker-April 26, Mitchell, Cardiff, draper-April 21, Davis, Redditch, needle-manufacturer-April 21, Jarvis, Birming- ham, plane-maker-April 21, Dixon, Dawley, grocer-April 24, Salderf, Plymouth, merchant-April 26, Matthews, Taunton, baker.

lb be confirmed unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before April 20. Faulkner, Manchester, coach-lace manufacturer-Curtis, Erith, hotelkeeper-Batch- elder, Queer:borough, hay-dealer-Dawson, Thorney, Isle of Ely, grocer-Jackson jun. Walsall, miller-Bewbw. Malvern Wells, veterinary-surgeon-blassey, Liverpool, tumer-Beckford, Plymouth, ,beer-retailer--Okilt Liverpool, share-broker-Duranty, Liverpool, merchant-Shaw jun. Salford, printer-HruMford, Yentnor, Isle of Wight, ilpholeterer-Newman, Yentnor, bander.


Champion, Tunbridge Wells, bootmaker; first div. of Is. 91. any Saturday; Mr. Green, Guildhall Chambers-Cradock. Darlington, rope-manufacturer ; first div. of Is. 34. March 31, or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Trae- Fenwick, NeweasUe-upon-Tyne, linendraper ; third and final div. of three-fifths of a penny (in addition to 6s. 41. previously declared), March 31, or any subsequent Satur- day; Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Thompson, Brighton, grocer ; second div. of 3d. on Saturday next, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Mr. Groom, Abehurch Lane- Sykes, Wrote& Yorkshire, miller; first and final div. of 10s. 3d. April 3, or any sub- sequent Tuesday ; Mr. Hope, Leeds -Gamed senior and Gamed junior, Leeds, flax- manufacturers ; fourth and final div. of thirteen-sixteenths of a penny, April 3, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Hope, Leeds-Exley, Dewsbury, blanket-manufacturer ; first div. of 4s. 844. April 3, or any subsequent Tuesday; Mr. Hope, Leeds-J. and C. D. Matthews, Chipping Norton, bankers ; first div. of 204. on the separate estate of C. D. Matthews, and 20s. on the separate estate of J. Matthews, any Thursday ; Mr. Veto-,


Morton, Glasgow, merchant, April 5, 26-Dunbar, Tarland. Aberdeenshire. merchant, April 6, 30-Mason, Edinburgh, tailor, April 6, 27-Espiln, Glasgow, accountant, April 5, 26-Brown and Murray, Glasgow, Turkey-red dyers, April 4, 25-Paton, Greenock, wright, April 5, May 4.