31 MARCH 1894, Page 25


The Beal Presence. By W. A. Whitworth, M.A. (Printed for Subscribers.)—This volume contains a sermon on the " Real Presence," and another on the meaning of the Holy Communion. To discuss these would take us beyond our province. Then follows an address, " High Mass at Noon," which, taking Mr. Whitworth's position as granted, seems to be sound sense. The same may be said of another address, " The Fast Before Com- munion." We doubt whether he quite rightly states the practice of the Anglican Church in this respect. But it is satisfactory to see that he is no rigorist. Some of the instances quoted of the ill-effects which follow from the rigorist position are very striking. He is justly severe on the inconsistencies which some of the extremists are guilty of. The other contents of the volume are "The Primitive Practice of Penance," "The Honest Doubter : Is he excommunicate ? " (is a man, i.e., to suspend his religion till he has satisfied his doubts ?—a question which Mr. Whitworth answers with an emphatic No !), and " Intercommunion."