31 MARCH 1900, Page 22


[Under Ws heading ace notice such Books of the week. as hare not been reserved for review tn other forms.]

The Birth of the Bond. (J. Slater, Grahamstown, South Africa. ls.)—This is the translation of a Duteh pamphlet, published in after the "act of magnanimity." Our friends of the " Conciliation Committee" will find it a tough morsel. Here are some specimens a- " The English sovereignty over South Africa has gone back at least half-a-century. Good: heartily glad of it."

In its stead there is to ha "a South African Nationality through the cultivation of a true love of this our fatherland."

"The English Government keeps talking of a Confederation

under the British flag. That will never be. There is just one hindrance to confederation and that is the English flag."

" The British will after a while realise that Proude's advice is the best for them ; they must first have Simon's Bay as a naval and military station on the road to India, and give over all the rest of South Africa to the Afrikanders."

Hero is an approved quotation from the Amsterdam Handels- bled :- " The future of England lies in India, and the future of

Holland in South Africa This most extensive territory will become a North America for Holland, and enable us to balance the Anglo-Saxon race."

And yet the notion of a Dutch supremacy in South Africa was, say the pro-Boers, "invented to justify the war." It is only right to add that the editor of the paper in which the pamphlet originally appeared has since become a convert to the British side.