31 MARCH 1923, Page 22


Bath. By Constance Spender and Edith Thompson. (William Clowes and Sons. 4s. net.)

This book, as one of "The Story of the English Towns" series, follows the history of Bath from its beginnings down to recent times. We get a glimpse of the place at its fashionable zenith under Nash, and also of the subsequent decline of that great man and his town. It was exactly a century ago that the fortunes of Bath seemed to have been at their lowest, and it was not until the late 'sixties that municipal enterprise to some extent rehabilitated it, though in the interval a good deal of its architectural dis- tinction was obliterated by the planless expansion that the nineteenth century so unhappily brought to Bath as to all our English towns. The book only treats of architecture incidentally and almost half its space is taken by the pre- Norman period.