31 MARCH 1923, Page 24


PONGA BAY. By Sophie Ostmnd. (Hutchinson. 7s. 6d. net.) . The Maoris are one of the finest and roost intelligent of native races ; they approached most nearly to the idealized " noble savage." This tale of the early settlers in New Zealand, conventional lu plot, is interesting from its obvious knowledge of the country.

THE Doom TRAIL. By Arthur D. llowdera Smith. (Brentano's. 73. 6d. net.) Jacobites and Hanoverlans, Red Indians, Britons and Frenchmen, fends, fighting, tortures and love. Black-and-white character. drawing and pseudo-historical English.

SEA SALTED. By J. Allan Dunn. (Hurst and Blacken.

7s. 6d. net.) Novels of Drake and the Spanish Main pour from the press, and are generally unreadable: but Mr. Dunn's story has less temhery

• and more genuine virility than most.

EXPLORERS OF THE DAWN. By lilazo de is Roche. (Cassell. 6s.) Relates in detail the doings of three little motherless boys, who spend a year with their father's old governess during his absence abroad. Though the story is supposed to be told in the first person by the second brother, who Is between eight and nine, both standpoint and language are entirely mature.

FREIGHT. By Kenneth IllacNichol. (Methuen. 73. 6d. net.) An American novel which tells of the struggle between Industrialism and agriculture—the interests of a coming railway and those of an existing ranch and Its owners.

THE TATTOOED ARM. By Isabel Ostrander. (Hurst and Blacken. 75. 6d. net.) Miss Isabel Ostrander tells with her accus- tomed accomplishment a mystery story pt which the ingredients are the mental aberrations of two most respectable old gentlemen, an impersonation, and a search for a concealed treasure, the nature of which cannot be disclosed without revealing the motive of the novel.

VERONICA. By Baroness d'Anethan. (Leonard Parsons.

78. 8d. net.) Concerned with English diplomatic society in japan. The setting is more interesting than the story.

OUT OF Tim Am. By Inez Haynes Irwin. (Leonard Parsons.

7s. 6d. net.) An American story In which a company of literary ghosts succeeds in effecting the rescue of the heroine from an Invidious situation and her introduction to the hero.