31 MARCH 1933, Page 15


Give a dog a bad name—. The musk rat which is now in the index &verge/arias and may not be imported or cultivated, is accused of eating fish and spoiling fisheries. It is possible that the rat may on occasion kill a fish. Does not the common grey rat as well as the pike kill young duck and moor hen on rare occasions? But that this diet is common or in any general sense dangerous seems to be disproved by overseas experience. At the same time aliens seem to have strange ways in strange countries. The musk rat is perhaps least dangerous in the country of its origin. The little owl does less harm in Spain than in England and I can get little evidence from America that the grey squirrel has such a disturbing variety of tastes at home as in England, though it will destroy corn crops, that is maize crops (or so Buffon said) in South America. Here it has been convicted of destroying things as different as young birds and eggs and green-house peaches