31 MARCH 1939, Page 40

Intelligent Novels

\VE have already brought to your attention PATRICK WiirrE's remarkable story of a murder in Australia, Happy Valley (2nd Printing, 8s. 6d. net), which is selling strongly. The Book Society recommends St. Michael Puts His Foot Down (7s. 6d. net), by the distinguished French writer, ROGER VERCEL, who works out the destiny of a young couple under the influence of Mont-St.-Michel. "He keeps all our senses tingling with his description of the Mount, its abbey and guardians, the quicksands and stealthy, murderous tides," writes C. Day Lewis in the Book Society News; and John Brophy, broadcasting, said: "This excellent novel is right up my street. I'm sure lots of other people will share my delight. The characters live and the story is quick and satisfying."