31 MARCH 2001, Page 87

Q. I was intrigued to see that you endorse the

view that no gentleman washes his hands after using a urinal. In view of the fact that Wandsworth Council is reported to have installed a ladies' urinal, and that there is a website dedicated to teaching women the correct stance to adopt for using such a facility (www.restrooms.org), would it be indelicate to ask if the same prescription applies to ladies?

R.RW, Bedford A. I am most grateful to R.B.W. for alerting me to this site. It appears to be non-pornographic, merely supplying quasi-medical and practical information for female readers used to finding themselves in urgent need of `restrooms' while motoring or where existing facilities are undesirable or unhygienic. As to your query, the same rules would clearly apply to women. Readers will have to visit the above site to find instructions as to how a woman uses a urinal, but once she has learnt to do so, like a Frenchman, she should wash her hands before using it.